Digital Government

GAO: GSA's oversight of advisory panels OK

A senior General Accounting Office official told Congress last week that the process for supervising federal advisory committees, which issue policy guidance on everything from health care to information technology, is mostly effective, but he added that some obstacles block capable management of t

Digital Government

Microsoft nabs $116M VA software pact

Microsoft Corp. this month began supplying the Department of Veterans Affairs with a suite of software products that the agency will use to store and move electronic patient records throughout its sprawling medical organization and to other federal agencies and private medical facilities. Under a

Digital Government

VA says it will meet Y2K deadline

Officials at the Department of Veterans Affairs last week said they will get all computers for the Year 2000 problem fixed, but the reliability of commercial products will ultimately determine their success. The VA has written much of the computer code in the systems it uses to manage information o

Digital Government

NASA, NIMA unveil 3-D mapping

NASA and the National Imagery and Mapping Agency last week unveiled a device the agencies will use during a space shuttle mission next year to gather highresolution digital images that can support environmental research and improve battlefield accuracy. The device consists of a 60meter mast and t

Digital Government

Deputy CIO works for seamless FWS

In 1977, when the first barrel of crude oil oozed its way through the TransAlaska Pipeline System from Circle, Alaska, to Valdez, Alaska, Bill Brooks and his wife were there to follow its every slosh and gurgle. The couple, who were working for the Interior Department in Anchorage, had driven up t

Digital Government

SEC taps BDM to upgrade online database

The Securities and Exchange Commission last month awarded BDM International Inc. a contract to design the second generation of the agency's online database of information on publicly traded companies. Under the $49 million, threeyear contract, BDM will redesign the Electronic Data Gathering, Analy

Digital Government

VA forms office to improve IT management

Officials at the Department of Veterans Affairs late last month created a toplevel office devoted to managing information technology across the department, a move that should help the agency squeeze greater efficiency and better service out of its sprawling network of medical centers and benefits

Digital Government

FWS system arms inspectors with fresh data

The Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) plans to launch a new computer system this year that will give more uptodate information to the people who enforce wildlife trade, helping them keep a tighter rein on illegal animal trade. Each year, about $3 billion worth of legal wild animals and wildanimal

Digital Government

USGS, Microsoft unveil Web database

Microsoft Corp. last week unveiled what it describes as the largest database ever to be put on the World Wide Web a 1 terabyte file of aerial images of the United States and other regions of the globe. The image file is the product of a research project with the U.S. Geological Survey. The databa

Digital Government

Feds question Seat Management

Despite the buzz surrounding the General Services Administration's award of the Seat Management contract expected this week, some agency representatives said they have doubts they would use the contract. The Seat Management contract, like the Outsourcing Desktop Initiative for NASA contract awarded

Digital Government

House strikes compromise for Year 2000 funding

House leaders plan to move emergency spending proposals for the federal Year 2000 problem out of the Defense and Treasury departments' appropriations bills and into a separate appropriations bill to allay concerns of conservative balancedbudget advocates. If the Year 2000 proposals were to remain

Digital Government

INS picks three for mega IT deal

The Immigration and Naturalization Service last week awarded to three vendors the largest segment of its $1.2 billion program to continue development of the agency's full range of information systems from the computers by which agents verify the identities of border crossers to the systems INS wo

Digital Government

INS picks 3 for mega IT deal

The Immigration and Naturalization Service last week awarded to three vendors the largest segment of its $1.2 billion program to continue development of the agency's full range of information systems from the computers by which agents verify the identities of border crossers to the systems INS workers use to process information on citizenship candidates.

Digital Government

New online auctions buck the old system at BLM

Faced with an increase in the population of wild horses, which cause overgrazing of federal lands, the Bureau of Land Management has turned to the World Wide Web to find homes for the animals. This year, BLM will try to find owners for about 6,000 wild horses and burros that now live on federal lan

Digital Government

Bill revamps procurement training

A House subcommittee last week approved a bill that would make sweeping changes in how agencies manage their procurement work force, requiring the administration to create standards for procurement training and education and to develop new ways to measure the performance of the procurement system i

Digital Government

OMB exec says emergency funds from appropriations bills won't help Y2K fix

A top Office of Management and Budget official told a congressional subcommittee today that attempts to strip Year 2000 emergency funding from appropriations bills would not help agencies move forward in fixing the millennium bug.

Digital Government

House moves to head off Y2K snafu in Social Security

A House subcommittee, worried that the Year 2000 problem could disrupt the delivery of about 50 million Social Security retirement and disability payments, plans to study whether to transfer the responsibility of the payments from the Treasury Department to the Social Security Administration. Rep.

Digital Government

House moves to head off Y2K-disruption of Social Security payments

A House subcommittee, worried that the Year 2000 problem could disrupt the delivery of about 50 million Social Security retirement and disability payments, plans to study whether to transfer the responsibility of the payments from the Treasury Department to the Social Security Administration.

Digital Government

House recoils at FBI gun-check fee

An FBI proposal to charge gun dealers for running computer background checks on potential customers drew heated opposition from Congress and lobbyists last week. Testifying before the House Judiciary Committee's Subcommittee on Crime, FBI officials said the fees are necessary to cover the overhead

Digital Government


The Customs Service this month awarded Motorola Inc. a contract to supply radios for voice communications as well as ones that the agency can use to transmit data, such as digital photographs and reports. The contract, worth an estimated $165 million over five years, will help Customs replace radio