Digital Government

GAO: Systems will miss Y2K deadline


Digital Government

FBI defends user fee to support computerized background checks

The FBI today defended its proposal to levy a user fee to support the operation of a congressionally mandated system that will instantly run background checks on would-be gun buyers.

Digital Government

GAO says agency systems headed for Y2K breakdown

Federal agencies now stand to not have many of their computer systems fixed in time for the new millennium, the General Accounting Office told Congress today.

Digital Government

Overworked agencies not complying with EFOIA

Officials from federal agencies told members of Congress yesterday that huge backlogs of processing paper documents have prevented them from complying with a law that requires agencies to disseminate more information electronically.

Digital Government

OMB drops three on Year 2000 tier

The departments of Defense, Veterans Affairs and Interior have slowed in their efforts to fix Year 2000 problems in the past three months, according to officials familiar with a draft report by the Office of Management and Budget.

Digital Government

Law Enforcement Dons Wearable Computer System

Law Enforcement Dons Wearable Computer System

Digital Government

OMB: List outsource possibilities

An OMB official told industry representatives that he plans to ask members of the President's Management Council to develop a list of duties performed by government that might be outsourced to the private sector

Digital Government

Rep. Horn gives agencies 'F' for Y2K work

The Clinton administration's overall grade for handling the Year 2000 problem dropped to an F in the quarter ended May 15, according to a report card issued today by a House Republican.

Digital Government

GeoResearch signs R&D deal with Census for mapping tech

Mapping vendor GeoResearch Inc. has signed a research and development agreement to help the Census Bureau achieve greater accuracy in its population count, the company announced late last month. Population information serves as the foundation for creating and redrawing congressional districts, and

Digital Government

Committee plans to publicize geographic privacy policy

Members of the Federal Geographic Data Committee this month will begin a push to make federal computer users aware of a new policy designed to protect private information that may be stored in geographic information databases. Nationwide, hundreds of agencies from the Environmental Protection Age

Digital Government

BLM moves land records to Web

The Bureau of Land Management went online last month with a World Wide Web site of land records that individuals researching family history can use to find information on their ancestors. The public can access BLM's 'land patents,' which record the transfer of land from the federal government to pr

Digital Government

INS plans to award two more pacts for records management

The Immigration and Naturalization Service this week plans to award two contracts as part of a $170 million project to better manage the agency's millions of records, with the possibility of developing automated workflow and imaging capabilities. The two awards one to Ahtna Development Corp., Anc

Digital Government

Y2K czar: $5.5 billion enough

Year 2000 czar John Koskinen last week said the federal government should have more than enough money earmarked in fiscal 1999 to fix the millennium bug.

Digital Government

ALMRS sked criticized again

Incomplete plans continue to plague an enormous project to modernize the system that the Bureau of Land Management uses to manage millions of acres of federal land and mineral resources, the General Accounting Office said. According to a GAO report released this month, BLM has not developed adequat

Digital Government

Koskinen: Proposed Year 2000 funding 'more than enough'

John Koskinen, chairman of the President's Council on Year 2000 Conversion, said today that the federal government should have more than enough money earmarked in fiscal 1999 to fix the millennium bug.

Digital Government

HUD opens high-tech storefront

Department of Housing and Urban Development officials this month opened the first of several hightech 'storefront' offices that the public can use to explore housing options and issues. The new office, a former drug store located a few blocks from Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., includes an outd

Digital Government

Agencies' IT spending nears $30B in fiscal '99

Federal agencies will spend almost $30 billion with private information technology contractors in fiscal 1999, according to a report released last week by consulting firm Federal Sources Inc. At its annual conference last week, Federal Sources, McLean, Va., estimated fiscal 1999 IT spending will to

Digital Government

Rep. Davis to renew push for co-op purchasing legislation

Rep. Tom Davis (RVa.) said last week he plans once again to introduce a bill that would allow state and local governments to buy information technology products and services off the General Services Administration schedule. But a push to open up the GSA schedule to state and local governments may

Digital Government

House considers taking the 'M' out of OMB

Members of a House subcommittee today began exploring the possibility of spinning out a special Office of Management from the Office of Management and Budget.

Digital Government

Senate bill delays IRS reforms

Shortly after Congress heard a plea to push back the deadline to reform the Internal Revenue Service so that the tax agency can focus on its Year 2000 problem, the Senate last week passed a bill that would delay some parts of a dramatic overhaul of the IRS. The Internal Revenue Service Restructurin