
Treasury makes progress on financial reporting

The Treasury Department is reducing the number of older systems and developing new ones for its Financial Management Service to help agencies track payments, an official said today.


Bush picks Hager to lead OPM

HR executive Michael Hager would replace Linda Springer as head of the Office of Personnel Management.


CFOs want to move beyond compliance

A survey reports that a majority of those executives want to participate in setting agency strategy.


OMB needs larger role in IT project oversight, GAO says

Agencies have changed cost or schedule estimates for many at-risk projects without sufficient guidance from the OMB, a GAO official told a Senate subcommittee.


Performance comes into focus

Armed with better metrics, agencies have an opportunity to improve under-performing programs.


GAO: VA’s HealtheVet needs plans

The Veterans Affairs Department's medical information system needs a management plan and a governance structure, the Government Accountability Office says.


IRS called lax on payroll tax cheaters

The Internal Revenue Service has relied on voluntary compliance by businesses that avoid paying payroll taxes even with evidence of criminal activity, the Government Accountability Office said in a recent report.


CIO Council to deal with Web 2.0 security

The federal CIO Council will create a security committee to devise strategies to provide information assurance in a Web 2.0 environment.


Pay for performance helps agencies win new talent

Pay for performance needed to recruit and retain talent in next-generation federal workforce, say senior officials.


GAO: Agencies should better use results data

Agency executives use performance information as a basis to reward employees, but fail to use that type of information when making important decision, a Government Accountability Office official says.


OMB, FSIO publish financial standards

Common systems and processes among agencies promise to improve federal financial management, according to the Office of Management and Budget.


Execs rewarded under pay for performance

Alternative pay systems can be effective for the federal workforce, OPM official says.


SSA launches online retirement estimator

The Retirement Estimator links to a person’s actual Social Security earnings record, so the user does not have to manually key in years of earnings information, the agency states.


Politics and bureaucracy hinder program performance

Agency managers face several obstacles to successfully leading large projects.


IG: Disability claims caught between DOD, VA

The Veterans Affairs Department needs tighter controls and more oversight to accelerate claims processing for seriously disabled veterans from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the IG finds.


Avoid the transition slowdown

Empowering employees is critical to sustaining government gains, a Cisco executive says.


Privacy central to new FISMA guidance

Agencies must report progress on implementing breach notification policies and eliminating the unnecessary use of Social Security numbers.


OMB to release performance evaluations

The Office of Management and Budget expects agencies to use more effective measures to gauge their strengths and weaknesses, an OMB official says.


Springer will leave OPM

Linda Springer, director of the Office of Personnel Management, has resigned to accept a position in the private sector.


Agencies progress on human resources LOB

The Office of Management and Budget reports that agencies have made progress in moving to standard human resources systems and processes.