
OPM will soon decide RetireEZ's future

The agency had issued stop-work order in May against contractor Hewitt Associates.


DOD bill would raise profile of chief management officers

Senate is considering provisions in a version of the Fiscal 2009 National Defense Authorization Act.


OMB posts agencies' PART assessments

This year, agencies added detailed plans on how they plan to fix high-risk program problems.


OMB to help agencies prepare for transition

The new administration must be ready to send many nominees to the Senate, officials say.


Bill would expand management officers' roles

The Senate's defense authorization bill would assign chief management officers in each military department to lead business transformation efforts.


OPM seeks to streamline hiring

A new hiring guide focuses on applicants' experience, agency measures and having a shorter time to begin employment.


OMB hires Interior's Howell

Federal IT executive will be first senior career employee in the position since it was converted from political appointment status.


FAA moves to improve safety oversight

The aviation agency agency acted on findings by an inspector general that a close relationship with Southwest Airlines led to gaps in compliance on safety.


TIGTA: The IRS lacks secure Web servers

With unauthorized servers, the Internal Revenue Service risks having someone illicitly access taxpayer and personally identifiable information.


Agencies must create performance snapshots

The Office and Management and Budget wants to make annual reports more readable and usable by Congress and the public.


Management on a small scale

One state sees the benefits in making small changes to its IT management.


FAA sees EVM dividends

But many agencies are not yet ready to replicate its success in project management, GAO says.


New OPM rule will let agencies refine areas for job cuts

The Office of Personnel Management states rule change will settle inconsistencies in existing reduction in force regulations as agencies move some employees to other pay systems.

Digital Government

Rising Star: Vernon Lee: One step ahead on HSPD-12

Microsoft’s senior architect gave the president’s office a head start on meeting a tight deadline.


Agencies struggle with pay for performance

Many believe in rewarding results, but the details on how it can work prove devilish.


OMB directs use and proof of security settings

Agencies have received guidance from the Office of Management and Budget on how to apply the Federal Desktop Core Configuration to improve IT security.


Agencies get more leeway on staff reductions

A final rule from the Office of Personnel Management allows agencies to arrange employees in smaller groups by pay systems or pay bands when planning force reductions.


TIGTA: IRS improves IT governance

Although the Internal Revenue Service is improving its oversight of IT projects, the agency must continue to intensify its project management prowess.

Digital Government

IT oversight bill gains support

Bill would require agencies to report their progress on information technology investments.


Bill seeks to speed some disability payments

A Senate measure would require using information technology to help modernize the VA's disability claims process for some seriously injured veterans.