
DHS drops potential pay-for-performance plans

Continuing resolution prohibits funding for department's human resources management system.


Many agencies unable to produce reliable financial data

Information from financial management systems needed for daily management and operational decisions.


Catching the wave of public service spirit

More agencies look to bring effective managers to government.


Writing the CXO playbook

Seasoned federal executives offer lessons for the next administration’s team of senior leaders.


Groups urge next president to improve federal operations

Several organizations have recommended that the next administration make government more effective by attracting talented workers, developing strong leaders and engaging employees.


OMB tells agencies to update TIC plans

Agencies must update their plans for reducing their external Internet connections to include the pending modification to the Networx contract to comply with the TIC program.


OPM updates guidance for HR LOB

Agencies get more details on core functions and best practices under the Human Resources Line of Business initiative.


IG: GSA needs more effective data security

The General Services Administration lacks consistency in implementing security controls and insufficient management oversight of its contractors in some areas, the department’s inspector general has said.


Is E-Gov Act in jeopardy?

Privacy amendment could threaten reauthorization of key programs.

Digital Government

OMB to verify desktop configuration work

The Office of Management and Budget wants to make sure agencies are properly measuring their progress toward complying with the Federal Desktop Core Configuration.


Health IT for federal employees

By the numbers: How health plans are using personal health records.


The benefits of personal health records

Online personal health record applications, available through a growing number of federal employee health plans, have a variety of forms.


OPM puts weight behind e-health

Agency uses its buying power to push private health plans that serve the government workforce.


OMB to verify agency work on security settings

The Policy Utilization Assessment program will determine how well agencies have implemented the Federal Desktop Core Configuration, an OMB official said today.


Senate committee approves FISMA bill

The legislation would require agencies to continuously monitor and measure security controls, its sponsors say.


GAO: Plans for VA's system need details

The VA's FLITE program replaces a system the department ended in 2004 after it had spent $342 million on it.


Survey: Managers want management reform

Standard reporting systems, notification of cost problems and more communications are recommended in a survey from a software maker.


FISMA 2.0 bill will strengthen cybersecurity, experts say

The Federal Information Security Management Act would also establish a Chief Information Security Officers Council.


Senate panel rejects weakening FISMA bill

A Senate committee is expected to vote this week on legislation that would raise the bar for agencies' compliance on information security, and today it refused to weaken the bill.


Management in transition

OMB, GAO wanted to ensure the new administration is on top of management issues.