
VA centralization takes hold

Agencies and hospitals are adapting to the CIO’s takeover of IT management and spending.


GSA creates contract for 'green' support services

A new Multiple Award Schedule vehicle seeks to help agencies meet the goals of a presidential executive order on energy conservation and electronics stewardship.


IRS strengthens IT security, auditors say

The service has taken steps to conduct certification and accreditation more efficiently, a report concludes.


OMB seeks progress reports on green initiatives

Agencies must report next February their progress in implementing sustainable activities, according to a memo.


OMB increases transparency of agency IT management data

The Office of Management and Budget hopes to see greater savings from the improvements agencies have demonstrated in the management of their IT projects.


OMB: Agency CIOs have IT authority

A memo from the Office of Management and Budget clarifies for the next administration how information technology should be managed.


OMB: Agencies improve IT management

Overall, agencies have shown progress in their efforts to better plan, manage and monitor their IT investments, OMB said.


CISOs: No easy job description

Chief information security officers are technicians, policy enforcers and savvy managers.


IG: USDA monitoring system improves IT security

The Agriculture Department needs a more coordinated approach to its security program, USDA's inspector general reports.


TIGTA: IRS disregarded security gaps in CADE

Some agency organizational offices did not assure that security weaknesses were corrected before deployment despite policies and procedures to do so.


TIGTA: IRS disregarded security gaps in CADE

Some agency organizational offices did not assure that security weaknesses were corrected before deployment despite policies and procedures to do so.


OPM pulls plug on $290 million RetireEZ contract

The agency will continue retirement modernization activities in business process improvement and data standardization.


Understand the motivation to work

Money is not always a motivating factor in the federal workforce.


Advice from a talent manager

A management expert suggests ways that agencies can bridge gaps left by departing employees.


IG: Effectiveness of DOT IT security practices declines

The Transportation Department hasn’t fully implemented recommendations from last year when management had to divert resources to deal with other programs.


OMB memo to clarify CIO responsibilities

The memo, expected next week, will outline the responsibilities of federal chief information officers for information technology functions.


Credit crisis is warning for improved financial disclosure

Securities agency plans modernization to make public company financial data easily available to public.


HSPD-12 card may promote information sharing

Use of the common process for identity management and authentication should increase trust among agencies.


OMB expects 5 million HSPD-12 cards by month’s end

Final deadline moves federal government to common process for identity management and authentication.


SEC plans to modernize how it discloses financial data

The agency wants to move to a more interactive process and replace the current forms-based system.