
OMB: Agencies attain financial reporting milestones

A record number of agencies achieved unqualified audit opinions and reduced their material weaknesses in the past year, an OMB official said.


HHS agency lowers Medicare payment error rate

CMS and its contractors use education, statistical sampling, medical reviews and error rate reduction plans to improve accuracy, official says.


IRS names first chief technology officer

The new executive position reports directly to the deputy commissioner for operations support. The service's Modernization and Information Technology Services division, including the CIO, will report to the CTO.


Bush names officials to oversee rescue plans

Treasury’s Troubled Asset Relief Program and HUD’s Federal Housing Finance Agency set to get inspectors general to assure proper management of funds.


Road map supports expanding CFO roles

The Council for Excellence in Government has provided a compilation of required and emerging decision-making responsibilities of federal financial management executives.


Transition Watch: Obama CTO needs clear authority, former feds say

The new position needs the power to effect collaborative and technical transformation.


Get smart

Here is Dave Wennergren’s list of 10 books that are valuable for information leaders.


Leadership by the book

DOD’s Dave Wennergren spreads a gospel of trust, information sharing and enlightened management through selective reading.


IG: NASA's ODIN could be more cost-effective

Agency officials agreed with recommendations to help managers negotiate lower prices for peripheral devices under the contract.


Security specialists in demand

Increasing network threats drive the need for professional experience and certifications.


Transition Watch: New Plum Book ready for download

Users have several choices to search and download the Web-based version of a list of 7,000 senior-level and appointed positions.


Obama moves to appoint transition team

The president-elect has named his initial appointees, and his transition team has moved into its transition offices.


IG: IRS needs to verify IT cost estimate processes

The inspector general also reports that the tax agency has effectively implemented the processes and procedures for its Modernization Vision and Strategy Program.


GSA: Transition team offices are equipped and ready to go

The government's property manager has already furnished and equipped enough office space with computers, BlackBerrys and telephones for up to 500 members of the transition team.


IRS performed well in 2008 tax filing season, IG says

The tax agency used its modernized CADE database to process 30 million tax returns, almost three times the number of returns the previous year, TIGTA said.

Digital Government

DOT launches hazmat info-sharing site

The Transportation Department has started an Internet-based fusion center to share information about hazardous materials transportation.


Helping others do the green thing

Chief information officers and federal IT governmentwide contract managers can help feds buy EPEAT products more easily.


Painting the town green

Agencies find creative ways to make their IT operations more environmentally friendly.


TIGTA: IRS needs to do better on fraudulent refunds

Limited resources constrain the tax agency on following up with identified potential fraudulent claims, report says.


A case study in centralization

VA has made progress on its effort to upgrade the HealtheVet system but still needs a comprehensive project management plan.