
OCC awards $5.3 million e-content contract

Bank regulatory agency plans to move to real-time infrastructure during the next three to four years.


Agencies to employ card alerts

Like credit card companies, GSA will use data mining to detect improper spending.


Pope’s visit a telework test for feds

DOT uses traffic disruptions to test COOP program and let 2,800 employees telework.


TIGTA: IRS managers need contracting training

Report says service has used performance-based contracting, but its use is below the government's goals.


Agencies cite data sharing to aid troops

Meanwhile, senators probe why suicides are increasing among service members returning from wars.


USDA provides RFID ear tags for cattle

The tags help health officials electronically identify an animal to halt the spread of bovine tuberculosis.


IRS ‘good but not great,’ panel says

Advisory board praises the IRS’ progress on modernization but cites new concerns.


OMB: Agencies must control credit cards

The Office of Management and Budget has directed agencies to strengthen internal controls over purchase cards and implement procedures to reduce fraud and abuse.


House approves bill to curb identity theft

The legislation would require the IRS to notify taxpayers if it suspects identity theft and would stop the agency's use of private debt collectors.m


VA data center outage hobbles VistA again

The system went down for several hours on April 10, affecting 12 medical centers from Colorado to California.

Digital Government

Study: Taxpayers could save $1.2 billion with free e-filing

Sen. Schumer plans to introduce a bill to prohibit software companies from charging individuals for e-filing.


Report: IGs recovered billions for feds in 2007

Auditors collaborate to make government work better and more openly, organizations say.


NIH to crack down on encryption

Further investigation reveals stolen laptop contained SSNs of 1,200 research participants


OMB wants trusted access plans

Deadlines are fast approaching to reduce Internet connections for greater security.


FDA seeks regular mark downs

The agency wants to receive monthly volume discounts as part of an IT services contract.


IRS chief to tackle identity theft

Commissioner says new processes and technology will improve IRS response to victimized taxpayers.

Digital Government

TIGTA: IRS should safeguard taxpayers from identity theft

The service says it lacks jurisdiction, and disclosure rules limit its ability to share information with employers and other agencies.


OMB seeks agency plans for fewer gateways

OMB wants to know how agencies plan to reduce their Internet connections and which of them might be able to serve as shared-service providers.


TIGTA: IRS routers need stronger security

A disgruntled employee, contractor or hacker could reconfigure routers and switches to disrupt operations or steal taxpayer data, a report warns.


NIH bars sensitive data from Mac laptops

The agency restated its policy mandating full-disk encryption for laptop PCs, which is still in beta testing for Macs.