
IG: FAA needs layers of oversight to fix safety gaps

Official finds systematic problems with agency's safety oversight.

Digital Government

VA security still in recovery mode

Department officials emphasize progress in enforcing their IT security policies


Agencies get ready to reduce Internet gateways

They must report to OMB plans for cutting external connections.


IAC gives awards to five projects for improvement

Agencies demonstrated improvements in organizational performance

Digital Government

Stolen laptop reveals security gap

Several federal directives outline a path to security, but all require follow-through.


TIGTA: Private debt collectors protect IRS taxpayer data

Two companies that pursue delinquent taxpayer debt do a good job of protecting sensitive information, a new report states.


OMB makes more demands for next PMA score card

Agencies must meet more requirements to progress or maintain their scores.


Culture counts in war for talent

Agencies examine how employee perceptions of the workplace affect hiring and retention.


VA has made progress in data security

An agency official says VA has established information security controls and is creating a culture of vigilance.

Digital Government

TIGTA: IRS needs to better monitor security compliance

For example, IRS did not adequately analyze security incidents for underlying causes, a new report states.


Agencies find keys to FISMA

Best practices include risk management and automated security awareness tips.


Mintz: Turning conflict into consensus

A CIO exercises the fine art of politics to gain support for a key initiative.


Mobile pharmacies to help in emergencies

The Veterans Affairs Department has rolled out several pharmacies housed in steel trailers that can withstand a Category 3 storm.


HUD to use e-games to learn business model

The agency is changing its business model for the program from a public housing agency-centric approach to an asset management model.

Digital Government

GAO: Common desktop configuration holds promise for better security

Agencies said to be slow in adopting measures to improve security.


OMB seeks to improve value of internal controls reporting

The Office of Management and Budget will hold forums to figure out how to make controls for financial reporting more valuable to agencies.

Digital Government

GAO: SEC needs stronger IT security for market data

Because the commission relies on computerized systems, it needs a layered approach to protection, the Government Accountability Office said.


OSD CIO: Network configuration, scanning softened cyberattack blow

When hackers hit the Office of the Secretary of Defense's e-mail system, understanding the network was crucial for Dennis Clem.


DOD asks contractors to protect unclassified data

The department is working with individual companies to come up with strategies and agreements, DOD's CIO said.


Another USDA exec to leave; CISO to go to HUD

Lynn Allen is one of several executives in USDA’s Office of the CIO to leave in the past several weeks and the last long-time Senior Executive Service career employee of that group to go.