
Contracting reforms could come in the next defense authorization bill

Rep. Sam Graves, whose Small Business Committee already approved eight small-business contracting reform bills, is asking for similar measures to appear in the fiscal 2013 National Defense Authorization Act.

Digital Government

Issa scolds IG about slow reporting

Issa's oversight committee regularly receives updates from IGs, but not from GSA IG Miller regarding his investigation of the lavish Western Regions Conference.

Digital Government

The mind reader from Maryland

Martha Johnson, the General Services Administration's former chief, testified about the infamous 2010 Western Regions Conference April 16, and, for one congressman, her face said everything she was thinking.


VA pushes relationship repair with industry suppliers

The Veterans Affairs Department is leading the charge to improve procurement through better communication with industry.


Former GSA leader regrets scandal that 'besmirched' agency's good name

Martha Johnson, who stepped down as GSA head when a report revealed spending abuses at an agency conference, expressed her regrets to a House panel, while another official implicated in the affair invoked his fifth amendment rights.


GAO sees progress in DOD contract inventory

Defense officials have fixed a few problems, but they aren't in the clear yet in gathering accurate data.


GSA could get another congressional hearing on its calendar

Sen. Susan Collins joins the chorus demanding GSA officials appear at a hearing regarding the now-infamous Western Regions conference, but some observers say Congress has gone too far.


Bill would allow federally funded centers to get exclusive access to government work

The Professional Services Council argues that government R&D should be subject to competition.


GSA's new chief says fiasco 'cuts to heart' of mission

Tangherlini, acting head of GSA, says the over-the-top conference spending undermines of GSA's duty to save the government money.


Congress calls GSA officials in wake of scandal

IG's report of blatant overspending brings GSA officials to face lawmakers' questions at three congressional hearings.


What acquisition officials can learn from 'Real Housewives'

The relationships between agencies and contractors can be as delicate as those on television.


DOD struggles to limit contractors to appropriate jobs, GAO finds

The challenge of separating inherently governmental work from contractor-appropriate work bedevils DOD.

Digital Government

Doan defends Bush on conference spending

Doan said the Obama administration is diverting attention away from itself by blaming George W. Bush for a new scandal over a lavish conference.


GSA exchanges Integrations for an OASIS

GSA hopes OASIS will be a refreshing change from other contract vehicles.