
Despite more competition, single-bid contracts stay steady

Noncompetitive contracts declined from fiscal 2005 to fiscal 2009, but contracts receiving only one bid remained steady, GAO says.

Digital Government

GSA names chief financial officer

Alison Doone, currently the Internal Revenue Service's CFO, will assume the same position with the General Services Adminsistration.

Digital Government

Technology is changing marching orders for Army leadership

Army leaders believe future military operations will increasingly rely on a dispersed, decentralized force. Now they need to know how to lead in that environment.


Pentagon project seeks to streamline human-resource process

Defense Department officials are testing a new project on hiring and managing employees to change the process-oriented structure of personnel management.


Air Force must do better job of tracking risky agreements: IG

Air Force contracting personnel often failed to complete all necessary steps to protect the service before letting a contractor begin a project even though negotiations were still under way, according to the Government Accountability Office.


Education Department revamps obsolete acquisition regulations

Education Department officials are making the first large-scale revisions to their buying rules since President Ronald Reagan was in the White House.


Kathleen Druitt: A program manager at heart

Druitt was the driving force behind setting up the and Web sites.


GSA's IG warns of risky acquisition support

As contracting increases and the acquisition workforce doesn't grow, agencies are looking for backup.


DOD, Army Corps of Engineers falter on subcontracting metrics

The two agencies fail to find a number of reports on whether prime contractors met their goals for awarding subcontracts.


Officials hope unique identifiers will sharpen procurement data reporting

Agencies may have to develop a unique identifier for their contracts and orders under a proposal meant to improve the quality of federal data.


Unions fire back at Gates for insourcing about-face

The American Federation of Government Employees wants answers from Defense Secretary Robert Gates on how his plans to save DOD money will affect insourcing efforts and federal employees.


DOD officials concerned about awarding earmarked money

Defense procurement officials missed procurement fundamentals of competition and pricing when awarding earmarks, auditors find.


Senate bill would 'cap and trade' to cut federal employees

A Senate measure would require agencies to cap the number of full-time employees and then begin reducing those numbers.


Insourcing failed, DOD's Gates says. Now what?

Insourcing didn't bring in the savings that DOD officials had planned or hoped for, Defense Secretary Robert Gates said.

Digital Government

Gates details plans to slash DOD budget

In his aggressive efforts to save money, Defense Secretary Gates is targeting a number of DOD offices and organizations, including one major command, IT infrastructure and several senior positions.


Senators concerned about counterfeit parts

Recent reports on counterfeit electronics and IT products show increases in the number of incidents and inadequate policies to deal with the problem.


Grassley questions NSF's efforts to keep employees off adult Web sites

Employees at the National Science Foundation are accessing adult Web sites and not being disciplined, a whistleblower alleges.


Proposed legislation targets abuse of veterans' small-business program

A congressman wants to protect the government’s small-business program for veterans by requiring federal officials to verify companies before letting them into the program.


Agencies form a GWAC force

Governmentwide acquisition contracts are working to combat the growth of other contracts, but they face a tough road ahead.


Agencies' unique coding systems hinder Recovery Act oversight, official says

The board that oversees money from the stimulus law ran into an old problem: agencies doing things their own way and forgetting about unity, official says.