
Industry retirees leave mainframe computers behind

Old mainframe computers stay at a company longer than the employees who know how to run them, according to a news report.


OMB may open purse to help program reviews

Close on the heels of the fiscal 2011 review requirements, officials are now offering to help agencies pay for program evaluations.

Digital Government

Arlington Cemetery: 19th-century technology in a 21st-century world

A Senator shows a former Arlington Cemetery official what's available to him today in technology.


Fake companies still win SBA approval

GAO tests SBA's set-aside program with fake companies that used the Alamo's address as their headquarters and still won certification.


Senate committee approves acquisition institute bill

The legislation would reorganize the Federal Acquisition Institute as it trains civilian agencies' contracting staff members.


OMB wants to know how agencies manage risky IT projects

Agencies now will have to prove to the Office of Management and Budget they can effectively manage their high-risk IT projects, according to federal CIO Vivek Kundra.

Digital Government

@Twitter: Two geeks, a life form and a TV show

Tweeted recently from inside GSA: TV show idea: Two geeky teens create an organic lifeform that oversees service delivery across federal government. Title: 'Weird Zients.'


House shaves funding for Veterans Affairs IT projects

House appropriators plan to decrease funds for the Veterans Affairs Department’s information technology projects because of sluggish spending and project delays.


States leave stimulus law data unclear

States varied in many aspects of using contracting data, including what type of data they routinely collected on contracts awarded for projects funded by stimulus law money, a report states.


NIH wins approval for third CIOSP contract

OMB officials have approved the governmentwide contract after recognizing agencies' new duties because of the major overhaul of the health-care system.


Existing procurements got bulk of Recovery Act contract dollars

Pressure to act quickly on high-priority projects drove agency officials toward existing contracts, GAO reported.

Digital Government

Officials put temptation in front of small businesses

When a company can certify itself as a particular type of business entitled to preferential treatment, it is a temptation that is hard to resist, according to one member of Congress.


Intell chief denies charges of too many contractors

Reacting to a Washington Post series, the director of national intelligence said contractors are key but are not doing inherently governmental work.

Digital Government

Agencies may have to abandon bureaucratese

Agencies may have to change their writing style because a new writing coach -- the law -- may soon arrive, blogger Matthew Weigelt writes.


Agencies defend charges of contracting fraud

Officials say the recently reported fraud that GAO uncovered in a small-business set-aside program comes from business owners and contracting officers not understanding the program rules, but at least one member of Congress rejects that explanation.


New commissioner crafting plan to re-energize FAS

The new commissioner will release a new strategy for revitalizing the Federal Acquisition Service and setting a new course.


House mulls increasing contractor oversight

The Federal Contracting Oversight and Reform Act seeks to repair an ineffective contracting system that award contracts to companies with histories of poor performance and misconduct.


House tightens reins around improper payments

House passes legislation requiring agency officials to review their programs every three years to find those that are susceptible to making improper payments, and levies penalties against agencies that fail to comply with accounting regulations.


It's official: Federal Acquisition Service has new commish

Steve Kempf is now the commissioner of the General Services Administration's Federal Acquisition Service, while Jon Jordan has been named deputy FAS commissioner.

Digital Government

Deja vu: Obama taps former OMB director for second stint

Jacob Lew was nominated today by the president to be the director of the Office of Management and Budget. Lew was budget director from 1998 to 2001, under President Bill Clinton.