
Doan's attorney fires back for leaked report

In a letter to Special Counsel Bloch, her attorney expresses "utter outrage" that the report was leaked and asks him to assign the investigation to another body.


Discrepancies get Doan another invitation to Capitol Hill

The House oversight committee wants to discuss her "unsubstantiated allegations" of poor performance and bias against employees who criticized her actions.


Kerry criticizes SBA over decade-old policies

The senator said the agency seems asleep when it comes to issues related to minority-owned small businesses.


GSA to offer HR service on schedules

Contractors must provide services for customer agencies with multiple organizational levels and worldwide locations, according to documents related to GSA's pre-solicitation notice.


GSA to retool e-contracting

Contracting officers say they shun the difficult-to-use eOffer, eMod applications.


GAO: DOD relying more on contractors

A new report states that because DOD's duties have increased without adding more workers, the agency has had to turn to contractors to continue its operations.


Groups push Senate for more open government

One hundred groups say passing the OPEN Government Act would boost the public's confidence in government.


Kerry queries DOD on missed vet set-aside goal

The senator has asked Defense Secretary Robert Gates for a clear statement of DOD's intent to spend more money with businesses owned by service-disabled veterans.


GSA mulls how to keep acquisition shops in business

But one option not on the table is canceling its assisted services business, agency officials say.


OFPP to turn up heat on task-order competition

In a forthcoming memo, agencies will be required to solicit multiple bids for task orders that cross a specified dollar threshold and to collect data on their competitive practices.


GSA ponders fate of assisted services

Officials agree that something must be done to stop the steady hemorrhaging of dollars.


House to agencies: Tell us about telework

Several members are sending agencies a survey asking about their telework policies in an effort to overcome barriers to working outside the office.


House votes in favor of small businesses

After some wrangling earlier this week, it voted 371 to 55 to increase to 30 percent the federal contracting money agencies should give to small businesses.


Fickle House leaves small-biz procurement goal in limbo

House committees wrangle over the percentage of federal contracts that should go to small businesses.


GSA IG: Contracting officers not using e-forms

A lack of support and weak incentives are causing the eOffer and eMod programs to grow at slower than expected rates, auditors found.


A-76 is a tough sell for OMB

Proponents say the policy makes the government operate more effectively and efficiently, but many skeptics oppose it.


Feds on big buys must be certified

OFPP takes steps to improve feds’ acquisition skills.


GSA names emergency response chief

Richard Reed is leading GSA’s Office of Emergency Response and Recovery.


OMB: 2006 competitive sourcing could save government $1.3B

Savings will continue to grow as competitive sourcing pushes agency employees to become more efficient, the agency said in a new report.