Digital Government

GSA program offers latest in satellite services

The SATCOM II contract offers services that extend to areas across the country and around the globe, where traditional networks and cellular links often fail.


Panel: Know what you want before moving to private sector

For example, weigh whether you want to be a consultant or do the actual work, one panelist suggested.


Doan endures political firestorm

Can she survive allegations of impropriety?


Feds stay competitive

Recent public/private sector competitions show insider knowledge is a real advantage.


IRMCO honors Katrina work, income data system

C. Donald Babers won for his oversight of the government’s post-hurricane housing recovery and reconstruction efforts, and HUD earned an award for a system that monitors housing eligibility.


GSA fights to regain market share

Expected losses in assisted services could hurt the agency’s financial recovery plan.


OFPP: Big programs require more training

Managers overseeing large programs must now meet training and experience requirements.


IG faults Doan's handling of sole-source deal

In awarding the $20,000 public affairs contract, the GSA administrator may have violated federal ethics and procurement regulations, according to an inspector general report.


USPS works to improve mail processing

The agency has awarded Serco a $51 million contract to provide technical, project management and information technology services for future equipment.


OMB asks agencies for A-76 costs and savings

Bush administration officials have added a new reporting requirement to help determine if the government is meeting the objectives of Circular A-76.


Clinton assails outsourcing

The presidential contender vows to bring greater accountability to government operations.


Two senators call for Doan to resign

Sens. Byron Dorgan (D-N.D.) and Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) cite what they describe as a pattern of ethical lapses during her tenure at GSA.


Administration's inaction forces action

Lawmakers want to give small businesses more contracts and prevent bundling.

Digital Government

GSA to help agencies find 'green' solutions

David Bibb, the General Services Administration’s deputy administrator, will lead GSA’s efforts.


Senators to hold conference on GSA's Doan

Sens. Byron Dorgan (D-N.D.) and Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) have not said what they plan to discuss about Doan, who remains in political hot water because of an alleged violation of the Hatch Act.


House panel puts anti-bundling bill on fast track

The Small Business Fairness in Contracting Act would require the federal government to award 30 percent of its contract dollars to small firms.


IRS commissioner leaving for American Red Cross

Starting May 29, Mark Everson will be president and CEO of the Red Cross.


Doan controversy may hinder GSA spending request

Lawmakers may add amendments that prevent GSA officials from holding meetings similar to the controversial brown-bag lunch held Jan. 26 at GSA's headquarters.


GSA seeks Web program to track projects

The agency wants an easy-to-manage program with a single interface to open information about its Public Building Service to stakeholders.


USPS shifts to electronic personnel records

The digital system will safeguard employee records in a secure central database.