
Keeping modernization on track

The Internal Revenue Service is in the midst of one of the most protracted of all systems renovations as it modernizes its Master File taxpayer account system.


Congress to act on workforce shortage

Rep. Moran eyes DOD spending bill as vehicle for acquisition changes.


Jazzed about IPv6

Education’s Peter Tseronis gets the message on government’s mandatory transition to IPv6.


More acquisition reforms coming in defense spending bill

Rep. Jim Moran said he is especially worried about the contracting workforce and small-business support.


Tired of business as usual, SBA looks to upgrade

The Small Business Administration wants private-sector help with modernizing its Loan Management and Loan Accounting systems.


Prepare for more scrutiny, ex-GSA official tells small biz

Emily Murphy, GSA's former chief acquisition officer, said small businesses need to understand proposed reporting rules and the contracting accountability Web site.


GSA seeks all-purpose customer service support

The agency is looking to establish a program for managing communications with the public, whether through the Internet, phone or postal service.


NASA broke procurement promise to GAO, senator says

GAO dropped a bid protest after NASA promised to recompete a contract, but the space agency never followed through, Sen. Chuck Grassley said.


New rules aim to centralize government sales

GSA is updating regulations to support an e-government initiative aimed at getting better deals on the sale of personal property.


Doan hearing focuses on improper politics

Waxman seeks information about whether GSA’s leader and others violated Hatch Act.


Input forecasts only modest growth in IT budgets

Political climate could make agencies wary of undertaking new IT projects, Input says.


Another GSA official heads to private sector

Roger Waldron, GSA’s acting senior procurement executive, will join Mayer, Brown, Rowe and Maw as counsel.


Small businesses get big portion of SEWP

NASA awarded 45 IT governmentwide acquisition contracts to 37 vendors, half of which are small businesses.


Doan: Details of controversial lunch meeting unclear

The GSA administrator testified before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee about allegations that she looked for ways to help Republicans in the 2008 election on government time.


Doan says money, proper oversight brought her to Capitol Hill

GSA's administrator responds to several allegations in prepared testimony for the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.


Rep. Waxman asks White House for information on 2002 contract

The House committee chairman questions how MZM, a technology consulting firm, received a $140,000 prime contract just two months after being placed on the GSA schedule.

Digital Government

Input: IT market is still growing but slowly

Budget battles between Congress and the White House make agencies wary of major new investments, according to a new report.


Timothy Wang: Leading by adapting

With his willingness to work long hours and his institutional memory, Wang helped OMB through a difficult time of high turnover among key portfolio managers.


Critics say contracting bill could do harm

By making it harder to attract new employees, Waxman’s proposal is flawed, opponents say.


Government wants to make time off a mouse click away

The government is seeking information on programs that would let employees request and supervisors approve time off electronically.