
Public enemy No. 1: IT flaws

Inadequate systems keep the FBI from doing its job, homeland security experts tell Congress.


Secure Flight increases privacy protections

TSA admits passenger screening program violated privacy regulations


Senators seek to fast track FBI's Sentinel

Lawmakers question the 2009 start date for the FBI's IT improvements.


Critics: Senate ignores some DHS priorities

Funding limited for critical cybersecurity, info-sharing needs


DHS is hit where it hires

A contract dispute between the Homeland Security Department and Monster, a company that provides Web-based job search capabilities, isn't over yet.


Chertoff: CIO, CFO did not get more power

A reorganization of the Homeland Security Department did not recommend more authority for the CIO and CFO.


Rothwell: DHS needs more acquisition staff

The biggest challenge for chief acquisition officers governmentwide is either rebuilding or growing their workforce, DHS's chief acquisition officer said.


Back up data early and often, experts warn

SANS: As Internet vulnerabilities increase, watch your backup.


GAO: TSA fixing Secure Flight privacy violations

The Transportation Security Administration has taken steps to fix privacy violations it committed in the Secure Flight passenger screening program, the Government Accountability Office reported.


House: DOD, DHS must share more technology

DOD and DHS must do more to ensure that applicable counter-terrorism technologies reach first responders, lawmakers said.


Group says kids should learn cybersecurity

Cyber Security Industry Alliance says students should learn to be good cybercitizens with lessons on online security, ethics and safety.


GAO: Critical infrastructure needs more cybersecurity protections

DHS has still not finished work first called for in Bush's 2002 cyberspace security strategy, watchdog agency says.


DHS reshuffles the deck

Will Chertoff's reorganization plan fix what needs fixing?


Senate passes DHS budget bill

The Senate has passed a $30.8 billion budget bill for DHS that would increase spending on numerous information technology and technology-related programs.


Caught in the act

Critics say Safety Act stifles anti-terrorism technology


House grills Chertoff on DHS changes

House lawmakers today decried its lack of progress on improving transportation security and other security issues.


DHS seeks major overhaul of organization

Secretary Chertoff announced a plan to overhaul the agency to make information sharing easier and promote greater situational awareness.


DHS creating cybersecurity, intelligence and policy czars

The Homeland Security Department is creating a more powerful position in charge of cybersecurity, DHS Secretary Michael Chertoff announced today.


CIS contracts in the works

The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services agency hopes to award contracts for five new IT projects by the end of the fiscal year.


Democrat senators promise billions for rail security, first responders

The lack of spending for first responders and transit and port security is a “clear and present danger” to homeland security, eight Democratic senators say.