
Feds put a fortress in your pocket

DHS, State integrate physical, electronic security into passports.


GAO: DHS lacks departmentwide information security

GAO says that the Homeland Security Department must protect its own information and information systems before it can effectively protect the country’s.


Monster delivers application data to CBP

Internet hiring company honors QuickHire contract despite being fired by Homeland Security Department.


Cattle industry rides herd on animal ID

The National Cattlemen's Beef Association has chosen BearingPoint to create a database that will track the movements of all livestock in the U.S.


DHS says US-VISIT program is protecting privacy

The Homeland Security Department is enlarging the pool of travelers whose personal data is potentially at risk.


GAO: Don’t give criminals passports

The State Department doesn’t receive regular updates from the FBI on criminals wanted by federal and state law enforcement agencies.


DHS to Monster: You’re fired

Monster has been unable to provide the Homeland Security Department with access to job applicants' data.


GAO: Times call for risk-based budgeting

Controller general says federal budgets should reflect risk-based spending priorities.


Cooper: Fix the appropriations process

Former Homeland Security CIO says Congress should appropriate funds for information sharing.


Lawmakers debate merits of fingerprints

Experts disagree on use of biometric identifiers on e-passports.


'EZPass' for visa holders

US-VISIT official says RFID is on its way for visas from international travelers who visit the United States numerous times.


Acting CIO named for Agriculture

David Combs, who has been USDA's acting deputy CIO, moves up one spot in the hierarchy.


Committee: Fingerprint beats face

Members of a House subcommittee wonder why fingerprints aren't the primary biometric security measure for passports.


SBA exec moves to Agriculture

The acting CIO for the Small Business Administration is slated to be acting deputy CIO at USDA.


USDA's Charbo nominated for DHS CIO

Bush chooses USDA veteran to be DHS chief information officer.


Controversial to the max

DHS is moving quickly to deploy a pay-for-performance system.


Azmi: Sentinel won't repeat mistakes

Virtual Case File failed because it lacked competent management and effective procedures, the FBI's CIO said.


E-passport tests begin

International airline crews flying between Los Angeles and Sydney are the first to test e-passports.


Forbidden fruit

Apple seeks more federal business, but its strategy remains a mystery.


IT, biometrics key to CIS strategy through 2015

Revamping IT infrastructure is a top priority in a 10-year plan that the Homeland Security Department’s U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) agency.