
SAIC settles claims case

Science Applications International Corp. denies any wrongdoing, but agreed to pay $2.5 million after federal prosecutors looked into allegations of contractor fraud.


Bates to work with Topside

But the former FTS commissioner has made it clear that retirement is her priority.

Digital Government

RSIS gets Treasury work

For up to $150 million, the company will provide tech services to the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau.

Digital Government


New products from Force 10 Networks and Managed Objects.


GSA gets an earful

Industry bands together to guide GSA reorg.

Digital Government

IBM joins Siebel for social services

Under the agreement, the two companies will sell Siebel Public Sector products as a component of IBM's Integrated Case Management solution.


SBA pulls back self-certification

Small Business Administration officials will pick each business' designation in the Central Contractor Registration database.


Industry speaks, GSA listens

Four industry associations have formed a new coalition to provide advice for GSA reorganization.


GSA reaches out

General Services Administration officials are meeting with customers to get a better feel for agency needs.

Digital Government

Severn expands fed operation

The systems integrator specializing in IBM offerings is doubling its engineering and sales operations for federal IT.


Air Force made SAIC exception

An unsigned Air Force memo urging officials to ask Science Applications International Corp. for more pricing details than usual pertains only to SAIC.

Digital Government

Upson to advise Inserso

The president of ICG Government will be on the advisory board of Inserso, an application development company.


SRA buys Touchstone

Touchstone would bring a strong base of federal customers with its management consulting business.

Digital Government

Caught in the middle

Midsize integrators have to learn new ways to win business and grow.


Alliant SB bidders can team

Joint ventures bidding on Alliant SB will be in for the standard Federal Acquisition Regulation treatment.

Digital Government

Alaska native companies on thin ice

Lawmakers reconsider special 8(a) privileges.


Solicit without a brand

The Office of Federal Procurement Policy says agency solicitations should not solicit specific brands except in certain narrow circumstances.


Prosight to join SmartBuy lineup

Agency officials will be able to buy portfolio management software from ProSight under a new enterprise license that General Services Administration officials will establish.

Digital Government

SRA hires general

Billy Solomon will be vice president of deployment and distribution support at SRA International.


DataPower dives into D.C.

The developer of network security hardware has opened a Washington, D.C., office and ended a program that lent equipment to federal agencies.