Emerging Tech

Lawmaker: Traffickers Might Use Drones To Smuggle Humans Across Borders

Security concerns and enthusiasm for drones dominated a recent Senate hearing on unmanned aerial vehicles.

Digital Government

Watchdog: DHS Isn't Ready for Social Media to Become a Bigger Part of Visa Screening

The department's social media pilot programs lack adequate benchmarks, so DHS doesn't have a good way to evaluate whether they're working.


IRS Took Down FAFSA-Autofill Tool to Prevent Identity Theft

IRS suspended the tool as part of a broader effort to protect taxpayer information.


Money Talks in Agency Cybersecurity, Former DOD Official Says

To prioritize cybersecurity, get buy-in from the top and budget authority, says a former DOD undersecretary.


Over a Third of Dot-Govs Fail Mobile Device Speed Tests

A recent study found 92 percent of sites fail at least one metric related to load time, security, mobile friendliness and accessibility.


Cyber Officials Ask: How Do You Prove Cyber Protections Are Worth The Investment?

When your whole job is preventing attacks from happening, it can be hard to prove how effective you are.

Emerging Tech

DARPA Tests Dirty-Bomb Hunting Ambulances

You may not have known it, but some D.C. ambulances were searching for radiation while they drove.


FirstNet's Message To Tech: First Responders Could Be The Next Big Market

Public safety officers have unique needs, and tech companies need to start thinking about them.

Digital Government

Watchdog: DHS' Biometric Exit Tracking Still Needs Work

DHS’ previous overstay reports, including the one from fiscal 2015, have been incomplete because of “unreliable collection of departure data."

Digital Government

27 Separate Federal Programs Protect the Power Grid

And that's just between the Energy Department, the Homeland Security Department and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.

Digital Government

CFPB Wants To Know How 'Alternative Data' Changes Credit Scores

New methods of determining credit scores, which might involve an applicant's web history, could harm consumers.

Digital Government

Pentagon Launches Open-Source Experiment

Code.mil would let the public contribute to unclassified code written by federal employees.

Emerging Tech

IARPA Wants Ways to Protect Nation from Genome Editing

Gene editing could create pest-resistant crops, but it could also create new organisms that threaten humans, according to IARPA.

Emerging Tech

You Have More Time To Tell Government How To Use Internet of Things

NTIA is extending the deadline for comment on a report it published on connected technology.


Trade Groups: Other Countries Might Mirror DHS' Social Media Vetting For Travelers, And That's a Cyberthreat

DHS Secretary John Kelly's suggestion that foreign travelers may be required to hand over their social media accounts could violate privacy and cybersecurity standards, several trade groups have said.


NIST Wants To Know How Utility Companies Can Deter Hackers

The federal government wants input on the best ways to protect companies from losing control of physical assets.