
An Interior Data Center's Security May Have Exposed Data for Years

An OIG report suggests the Bureau of Indian Affairs' cyber program wasn't enough to protect 24 systems internally.

Digital Government

Hatch's Innovation Plan: Reform H-1B Program, Protect Federal IT

The Utah senator plans to advocate for bringing in high-skilled immigrants who want to stay in the United States.

Artificial Intelligence

Outgoing DOD CIO: 'There's Still A Lot of Work To Do'

Terry Halvorsen expects AI to play a greater role in cybersecurity soon.

Digital Government

DOD's Next-Gen Electronic Health Records System Is Now Live At One Site

MHS Genesis has been deployed at the Fairchild Air Force Base near Spokane, Washington.

Emerging Tech

Lawmakers Want Self-Driving Cars To Thrive But Still Fear Hacks

Despite positives, manufacturers still face concerns that cars could be hijacked.

Emerging Tech

Tech Companies Prep for Trump’s Infrastructure Plan—Even Without Details

Startups and blue-chip companies alike see potential business in Trump's promised infrastructure plan.

Digital Government

Trump's Smartphone Habits Worried Lawmakers Before Mar-a-Lago

Lawmakers already had questions about the administration's security practices.

Emerging Tech

Service Robots Will Soon Be Making 'House Calls In Space'

DARPA this week picked a commercial partner to help build out the system.


Watchdog: IT Issues May Have Caused NASA To Cook A Spacecraft

The agency needs to do a better job monitoring its IT and operational technology, an OIG report says.

Artificial Intelligence

Why Experts Worry Algorithms Can Do More Harm Than Good

A Pew report suggests corporations and governments could misuse algorithms.


Connolly Pledges to Reintroduce Modernizing Government Technology Act

The Virginia Democrat said he'll be "boringly disciplined" in pursuing the bill's passage.

Digital Government

Startup Execs: Trump's Travel Ban Will Cause 'Irreversible Harm' To Economy

In an open letter to the president, they called the travel ban "morally and economically misguided."

Emerging Tech

Most Citizens Want A ‘Siri’ For Government Services

People want 24/7 service, even from the federal government, a new survey shows.


IRS Warns to Watch Out For W-2 Form Scams

An email phishing scam is spreading to school districts and nonprofits.


Trump: Agency Heads ‘Totally Accountable’ for Modernization, Cybersecurity

Trump canceled his scheduled signing of a cybersecurity-themed executive order with no explanation.

Digital Government

Former OMB Controller To Join Deloitte

He will take on the role of chief strategy officer for the firm's federal government practice.


Despite Breaches, Many Americans Don't Worry About ID Theft

However, a survey found that over half of those concerned about identity theft trust the public sector to protect their personal information better than private-sector institutions.