Artificial Intelligence

Special Operations Command Made a Mind-Reading Kit For Elite Troops

The experimental tool is among several that aim to combine sensors and AI to give U.S. operators a new edge.

Emerging Tech

Bill Would Constrain Some Police Use of Facial-Recognition Tools

A 72-hour limit on tracking individuals would become the first, and somewhat arbitrary, federal line in the sand.


Russian Trolls Are Hammering Away at NATO’s Presence in Lithuania

A broad disinformation campaign of fake news and other tricks aims to turn the Baltic nation’s public against the alliance.

Emerging Tech

How Lockheed Martin Is Trying To Link Everything on the Battlefield

Experiment by experiment, the company is weaving aircraft, ground vehicles, satellites, and the rest into a network that will someday give commanders unprecedented decision-support options.

Artificial Intelligence

Google Wants More Work from the Defense Department

A senior vice president ruled out working directly on weapons programs, but said other areas are fair game.

Artificial Intelligence

US Reliance on China Problematic for AI Efforts, Commission Says

But despite concerns, Eric Schmidt and Bob Work warn that decoupling from China 'will hurt the United States.'


Microsoft Wins Massive JEDI Cloud Contract

In a $10 billion upset, after months of legal and Trump-fueled political controversy, Amazon loses out to a competitor.


Russia Will Test Its Ability to Disconnect from the Internet

The nascent RuNet is meant to allow the country to survive an attack — and Putin to monitor and control the population.

Emerging Tech

Marines Try Using Drones to Bring Blood to Battle

The light unmanned aircraft made hundreds of supply drops during recent Australian live-fire wargames.

Emerging Tech

Weapons Makers Unveil A Herd of Robotanks—As the Army Worries about Battlefield Bandwidth

The U.S. Army is determined to field a mid-sized combat robot vehicle, but the prototypes are outstripping the datalinks that would connect them.


Senate Intel Committee: Russia Is Already Trying to Influence the 2020 Election

In its report, the Republican-led committee pushes back against Trump’s efforts to point fingers elsewhere.

Emerging Tech

The Future of the Marines Is Smaller, More Robotic, More Naval

The new Commandant of the Marine Corps lays out a vision for high-tech force that will often operate like special forces.

Emerging Tech

Big Tech Bulks Up Its Anti-Extremism Group. But Will It Do More than Talk?

Facebook and others launched GIFCT to stop violent groups from exploiting online platforms.

Emerging Tech

A New Joystick For the Brain-Controlled Vehicles Of the Future

An innovative sensor strip promises a far better way to connect human brains to machines.


The NSA Is Running a Satellite Hacking Experiment

Low Earth orbit will soon be awash in small satellites, and the national security community is increasingly concerned about their security.

Emerging Tech

The Air Force Will Start Work on Flying Cars This Fall

It’s about replacing the V-22, eventually. But it’s also about finding new ways to harness commercial innovation.


Pentagon’s Former Top Hacker Wants His Startup to Inject Some Silicon Valley into the Defense Industry

"If the nerds don’t show up and work on the mission of national defense...then I’m not sure who will," says Chris Lynch, of Rebellion Defense.


Twitter Bots Are Becoming More Human-Like: Study

In 2016, they were mostly retweeters on timers. Now they’re gathering intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence

How AI Will Predict Chinese and Russian Moves in the Pacific

As Pacific Air Forces builds a picture of normal traffic, they'll start looking for suspicious patterns — and even predict what's coming.

Artificial Intelligence

Military Scientists Harness AI To Fight Synthetic Opioids

A DIA group that scans millions of websites is overwhelming law enforcement with solid tips.