
Twitter, Facebook Turn Off Hundreds of Accounts Linked to Chinese Disinformation about Hong Kong Protests

In simultaneous press releases, the social-media companies say they have shut down large amounts of Beijing-controlled activity.

Emerging Tech

Air Force Tests Contraption That Can Turn Any Plane Into a Robot Plane

Scientists say new ROBOpilot completed a two-hour test flight, essentially turning a manned plane into a drone.


New Tool Reveals Big Vulnerabilities In Mobile Apps That Use Multiple Clouds

The remote servers that power thousands of popular apps harbor a rats’ nest of vulnerabilities.

Emerging Tech

A Small Texas City Will Become the Country’s ‘Hypersonics Research Capital’

The Army Futures Command will test missiles and autonomous vehicles some 100 miles east of Austin.


How Dissidents Are Using Shortwave Radio to Broadcast News Into China

Pro-democracy forces are locked in a cat-and-mouse game with the Chinese government, playing out on the airwaves, the internet and across the globe.

Digital Government

Why Trump Cares About the Pentagon’s Mega-Cloud — and Why That Terrifies Those Who Want It

Breaking up the $10 billion JEDI network project will hurt the U.S. military’s effort to speed data to troops, its fans argue.


JEDI Contract on Hold for Defense Secretary Review

It’s unclear whether the review will impact the contract’s timeline. 

Emerging Tech

When Trump Threatens Google, Here’s What He Doesn’t Get

Days after the Treasury Secretary cleared the U.S. tech giant of national security concerns, the president was rage-tweeting again.


Russian Hackers Build Fake Skype, Signal, Pornhub Apps to Lure Victims

Installing the apps activates malware that steals personal data and sends it off to St. Petersburg.

Artificial Intelligence

How AI Will Help Radar Detect Tiny Drones 3 Kilometers Away

Small drones are becoming a big problem. Here’s how next-generation neural networking techniques could help.

Emerging Tech

Army Goggles Will Feature Facial Recognition Tech ‘Very Soon’

A modified gamer headset will allow soldiers to see through a drone’s eyes, aim around corners, and identify the faces of enemies in their sights.


Suspected Iranian Cyber Attacks Show No Sign of Slowing

As Iran and the U.S. trade cyber blows, a new warning shows that the online fight is likely to go on.

Emerging Tech

U.S. Army Making Synthetic Biology a Priority

New thermal cloaking, insect proof uniforms are on the horizon, if the U.S. can get out in front of China.

Artificial Intelligence

How AI Will Transform Anti-Submarine Warfare

New Navy projects seek to capture more data about the oceans’ depths—then train computers to out-think human captains.


Researchers Show How to Send Fake Presidential Alerts To Your Phone

Your phone’s thirst for a better signal leaves it open to bogus messages, new research shows.

Emerging Tech

How the Pentagon Nickel-and-Dimed Its Way Into Losing a Drone

The lion’s share of the U.S. drone fleet is easy prey for advanced air defenses. It didn’t have to be that way.


Russia’s Would-Be Windows Replacement Gets a Security Upgrade

For sensitive communications, the Russian government aims to replace the ubiquitous Microsoft operating system with a bespoke flavor of Linux, a sign of the country's growing IT independence.


NATO Getting More Aggressive on Offensive Cyber

Secretary General Stoltenberg says NATO pushes limits of what the alliance can do in cyberspace.