Digital Government

Facial Recognition Coming to Police Body Cameras

An approach to machine learning inspired by the human brain is about to revolutionize street search.


Ukraine Police Say This is the Source of Tuesday’s Massive Cyberattack

The lesson from Tuesday’s massive cyberattack, beware of updates from Ukrainian accounting apps that are orders of magnitude larger than normal.

Artificial Intelligence

How Not to Win an AI Arms Race With China

A lawmaker’s proposal to curb Chinese investment in U.S. artificial-intelligence firms has more than a few critics.

Digital Government

The Future of Military IT: Gait Biometrics, Software Nets, and Photon Communicators

DISA director Lt. Gen. Alan Lynn talks about the tech he’s eyeing, some of which is barely out of the theoretical realm.


With Qatar Hack, the Kremlin May Be Opening a New Front in Its Global Information War

A fake video slipped onto a government website may have touched off Qatar’s diplomatic isolation.

Digital Government

Vladimir Putin and the Little Green Men of the Internet

The future of Kremlin-backed information operations against Western governments looks a lot like Russia's deceptive campaign against Crimea in 2014.

Digital Government

The Rocket Startup About to Eat Elon Musk’s Lunch

Rocket Lab is aiming to put small satellites in low Earth orbit at a fraction of the cost of even SpaceX

Digital Government

DARPA Picks Boeing To Build Its New Space Plane

The research agency hopes its XS-1 jumpstarts a whole new industry of very-low-cost satellite launches.

Digital Government

Trump’s First Defense Budget Has North Korea Written All Over It

There’s lots of money in the Pentagon’s 2018 spending proposal to stop missiles of the sort that Pyongyang keeps launching.


Stop Blaming NSA for the Ransomware Attack

An inside look at how the intelligence community deals with the exploitable software bugs it finds.

Artificial Intelligence

The Military is Using Human Brain Waves to Teach Robots How to Shoot

Without even realizing it, soldiers could soon be training robot sharpshooters to take their jobs.

Digital Government

Comey: The Metadata Made Me Do It

The FBI director tries to explain to Congress his pre-election letters about the missing Clinton emails.

Digital Government

US Army Exploring ‘Devastating’ New Weapon For Use In War with Russia

The Kinetic Energy Projectile would be a tungsten warhead that moves at three times the speed of sound, destroying anything in its path.

Digital Government

The Sarin Gas Attack In Syria Ignited an Information Battle

Victims quickly took to social media to distribute evidence of the use of chemical weapons.

Digital Government

The Five Coolest Drones from America’s Biggest Naval Arms Show

New drones above and beneath the waves will change the way navies sail and fight in contested waters.

Artificial Intelligence

The Next Big War Will Turn on AI, Says US Secret-Weapons Czar

William Roper says the military must get better at feeding the voracious learning algorithms that will fight future battles.

Digital Government

Russia Joins US in Race to Field Gun-Launched Swarmbots

A pair of Russian programs hastens the day drone swarms may meet each other over the battlefield.