Digital Government

Why Fake News Spreads: A Neurological Explanation

The logical part of your brain really, really likes listening to the social part, which just wants to fit in

Digital Government

GOP Lawmaker to FBI: Stop the Leaks in Russia Probe or Lose A Key Surveillance Tool

After top cop confirms investigating the Trump campaign, a House member threatens to hold investigatory powers hostage.

Digital Government

US Army to Test Powerful New Truck-Mounted Laser ‘Within Months’

New solid-state lasers plus ever-more-powerful mobile generators brings directed energy weapons a big step closer to reality.

Digital Government

Better Tech Is Arriving to Defend Against North Korean Missiles. It Won’t Cool Regional Tensions

Next year, the U.S. plans to deploy a shipboard interceptor to help protect Japan. China and Russia will not be amused.

Digital Government

CIA Silent as Wikileaks Claims to Publish Thousands of Agency Files

The group says the 8,000-plus files detail the existence and function of key hacking tools.

Digital Government

How Trump’s Immigrant Dragnet Might Catch Your Personal Data, Too

A DHS rule change aimed at undocumented immigrants could invade the personal privacy of far more people than the ones they’re targeting.

Digital Government

The Man Who Led the Syrian Train-and-Equip Effort Wants A Cultural Translation App

The complex, delicate missions of today and tomorrow need a better way to bring fused intelligence to operators.

Digital Government

For the Army, ‘Cyberwar’ Is Quickly Becoming Just ‘War’

Combat brigades will soon head into firefights with cyber specialists… and possibly IT lawyers.

Digital Government

Some DHS Employees Are Suspicious of ‘Extreme Vetting’

DHS has 30 days to figure out what "extreme vetting" means. Some DHS officials and counterterrorism experts find the concept dubious.

Digital Government

Exclusive: The Super Secure Presidential Phone (That Trump May Not Be Using)

A military program has created an Android-based super secure smartphone that goes with the office of the president. Is Trump using it?

Digital Government

Border Officers: Real Security is More Complicated Than Building a Wall

Trump’s order notwithstanding, it would take years and new technology to truly close the border

Digital Government

Russian Hackers Will Try ‘Again and Again,’ Warns Samantha Power

It is "naive" to think Russia won’t keep meddling to destabilize the West, Obama’s U.N. ambassador says.


Putin’s DNC Hackers Actively Targeting French Elections

Putin’s efforts to destabilize Western democratic processes are moving across Europe.

Digital Government

Pentagon Needs Its Own Google For All Its Data, Says Eric Schmidt

The Alphabet chairman says a giant data warehouse would give the military Google-like capability. It would also create the richest intelligence target ever conceived.

Digital Government

The Technology Race to Build — or Stop — North Korea’s Nuclear Missiles

As Pyongyang warns of an upcoming ICBM test, and Trump threatens to stop it, the Pentagon has few good options.