
DNC Hackers Linked to Russian Activity Against Ukraine 2 Years Ago

The same malware a Russian group used to attacked the DNC was targeting Ukrainian soldiers, says cybersecurity group.

Digital Government

How Did One Small Defense Firm Get a Seat at Trump’s Tech Summit?

The meeting put data-viz firm Palantir next to some of the world’s largest data-gathering companies.

Digital Government

Wanted by the Military: An 'Ender’s Game' Controller for Urban Robot Swarms

The Pentagon is looking for a single controller to enable dismounted ground troops to steer "hundreds" of drones for urban warfare.

Digital Government

Nanotech Breakthrough Could Revolutionize Night Vision

Researchers build “teeny, tiny structures” that can change infrared to visible light.

Digital Government

The Flaw in Tech Giants’ Plan to Fight Extremist Content

Everyone gets to use different definitions of dangerous imagery, says the inventor of the software they’ll use.

Digital Government

Pentagon Wants Eye-Reading Software, X-Ray Tools and a Virtual Facebook to Fight Terrorism

Here’s a list of gear the Combating Terrorism Technical Support Office is seeking to give U.S. counterterror operators.

Digital Government

A Team of Drones Pulls Off a (Staged) Search-and-Rescue Mission

Lockheed Martin-Sikorsky merger leads to unique demonstration involving drones large and small.

Artificial Intelligence

Yes, Big Data Did Triumph on Election Day

One computer forecasting system predicted Trump’s victory—the one with the least human input.


No, the National Guard Can’t ‘Secure’ the Election

By design, the role of the military in voting-related activities is highly limited. Proposed legislation may change that.

Digital Government

Judge: US Army Must Let Palantir Compete to Build Combat Data System

The much-maligned DCGS-A combat data system program is put on hold, thanks to a Silicon Valley company's lawsuit.

Digital Government

Here’s How the Pentagon Wants to Use Social Media On the Battlefield

Artificial intelligence will weave open-source and satellite data into useful intelligence in real time, the Pentagon’s No. 2 says.


Denying Trump’s Denial, US Intel Chief Says There’s More Evidence of Russian Hacking

The nation’s top intelligence official says “forensic and other” evidence prove Russian election interference.

Artificial Intelligence

Air Force Doesn’t Know How to Test Its Future Robotic Wingmen

How do you surprise a drone that can revise its strategy hundreds of times in an eyeblink?

Digital Government

The Apps They Carried: Software, Big Data and the Fight for Mosul

A variety of digital tech tools aim to provide coalition forces some sense of the dangers around the next bend.

Digital Government

Pentagon Urgently Pushing Anti-Drone Tech to ISIS Fight

From mast-mounted radar to drone-jamming guns, the U.S. military’s anti-IED office is rushing to keep up.

Digital Government

Data-Theft Arrest Shows Insider Threat Remains Despite Post-Snowden Security Improvements

The case of the NSA contractor arrested this week shows the intelligence community has much further to go in stopping insider threats.

Digital Government

Beyond Big Dog: The US Army Searches for an Infantry Squadbot

Service officials have a concept of operations and a plan to deploy a cargo-carrying robot alongside dismounted soldiers in 2019. But can the acquisition system keep up?

Digital Government

Army Racing to Catch Up to Russia On Battle Drones

After watching UAVs dominate eastern Ukrainian skies, the service is seeking counter-drone tech and new families of flying robots.

Artificial Intelligence

Report: Weapons AI Increasingly Replacing, Not Augmenting, Human Decision-Making

A new survey of existing and planned smart weapons finds that AI is increasingly used to replace humans, not help them.