Digital Government

What Would a Trump Presidency Mean to the Pentagon?

An open letter from Silicon Valley leaders suggests a GOP victory would scuttle Ash Carter’s outreach effort.

Digital Government

Army is Testing Genetically Engineered Spider Silk for Body Armor

Inserting spider DNA into silkworms yields a tough fabric far more flexible than Kevlar.

Digital Government

Military Robotics Makers See a Future for Armed Police Robots

As military-grade robotics get cheaper and more capable, someone will arm them and put them on American streets.

Digital Government

The Pentagon is Developing A New Suite of Tools to Fight the Lone Wolf Problem

As the counter-terrorism battle moves online, DARPA seeks to track how ISIS spreads its ideas — and how well US ripostes are working.

Digital Government

What the Joint Chiefs’ Email Hack Tells Us About the DNC Breach

The two attacks share a perpetrator and even some techniques. Here’s how to stop them.

Digital Government

Can the Navy’s Electric Cannon Be Saved?

The Pentagon’s futuristic railgun may be obsolete before it arrives. But not its high-tech bullets.

Digital Government

A Look At the Military’s New Stealth Bikes

These motorcycles of the future are turning heads at special operations conference in Florida.

Digital Government

The Tiny Town Where Air Force Cadets Learn to Drop ‘Cyber Bombs’

The future of cyber warfare training looks like a model railroad where network security majors take turns turning off the lights.

Digital Government

Pentagon Testing Small Robot to Help Hunt Naval Mines

The US military has been looking for an underwater bomb disposal robot for years. It finally has one.

Digital Government

Pentagon Shakes Up Silicon Valley Outreach

Defense Secretary Ash Carter gives DIUx new leaders, a new office and a promotion.

Digital Government

As Pentagon Dawdles, Silicon Valley Sells Its Newest Tech Abroad

A trio of tech CEOs say red tape and onerous requirements undermine Ash Carter’s outreach efforts.

Digital Government

The Military Wants a Privacy Firewall for Disaster Response

A new tool to strip personal information from tweets and social media could help troops zero in on trouble spots

Digital Government

Pentagon: F-35 Will Still Fly, Despite Software Flaw

Officials say the plane can fly without the aircraft’s enormously complex diagnostics system.

Digital Government

The Problem with the Pentagon’s Hypersonic Missile

Military officials say their superfast weapons of the future won’t carry nuclear warheads. But will other nuclear nations believe it when the missiles start flying?