Digital Government

Here’s What the Pentagon Wants Its Satellites to Do in 15 Years

The ability to take on new missions will help tomorrow’s constellations survive war in space.

Digital Government

Navy Christens First Robot Ghost Ship

Autonomous vessels like this submarine hunter will play a growing role in future naval missions and will soon crowd the seas.

Digital Government

Pentagon Chief May Upgrade CYBERCOM to Full Combatant Command

As network warriors pound away on ISIS in the battle for Mosul, Carter says it’s time to consider full-COCOM status for cyberwarfare.

Digital Government

What the Pentagon’s Bug Bounty Program Won’t Fix

The defense secretary reveals a prize pool of $150,000, but will the program reveal the limits of Silicon Valley solutions to DOD problems?

Digital Government

Why the Military Can’t Go After Iran for Hacking Your Dam

Seven Iranians have been charged with cyber crimes in a case that reveals the limits of U.S. power.

Digital Government

How Facial Recognition Might Stop the Next Brussels

Keeping terrorists away from crowded spaces requires recognizing them before they get there, which is no easy task

Digital Government

Can You Turn Your Toaster Into a Bomb? DARPA Wants to Know

The agency will pay tinkerers to weaponize off-the-shelf items — in hopes of defending against such hacks.

Digital Government

What the Ukrainian Blackout Means for the Future of Cyberwar

The world’s first cyber-caused electricity blackout shook security experts around the globe. Here’s what it means for keeping the lights on.

Digital Government

Defense Chief to Silicon Valley: We’re on the Same Side

As the FBI-vs.-Apple battle heats up, the defense secretary makes his own pitch to the tech industry.

Digital Government

FBI Chief: Universal Encryption Would Paralyze Law Enforcement

FBI warns the world that Apple is making is one where the FBI can’t do its job. Apple says the FBI is seeking "dangerous power." Who’s right?

Digital Government

Military-Funded Study Predicts Twitter Uprisings

Who tweets at you, what you tweet back, and why can predict your next protest act on social media.

Artificial Intelligence

The President Needs to Issue an Executive Order Banning the Use Killer Robots

A Yale bioethicist says the United Nations won’t stop killer robots, but the United States could right now start setting a few rules limiting their development and use.

Digital Government

The Military’s Superfast Bird Drone

The Defense Department’s mad scientists show how to make superfast, light-weight drones.

Digital Government

What Obama’s Air Force Budget Request Says About the Future of Warfare

The Defense Department budget request is full of high tech-items aimed at countering the capabilities of technologically advanced adversaries.

Artificial Intelligence

The Army Has Made a Robot Cockroach

Biologically inspired robot bugs could be the next big thing in intelligence collection.

Digital Government

Twitter Steps Up Efforts To Combat ISIS

The social media giant says it is increasing efforts to combat extremism on the site.

Digital Government

New Microchip Could Increase Military Intelligence Powers

A military-funded breakthrough in microchips opens the door to portable deep learning.