Digital Government

The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Is Still Riddled with Bugs

The Pentagon’s top testing official has weighed and measured the F-35 and found it wanting.

Digital Government

Smart Bombs, Swarmbots and Miniature Railguns: The New Weapons the Pentagon Says It Needs

Defense secretary lays out his vision for the next decade’s killer capabilities in 2017 budget preview.

Digital Government

USAF Stands Up Space Mission Force to Counter Russia, China

The service is reorganizing for battle in space, but threats may be progressing faster than fixes.

Digital Government

Refugee or Terrorist? IBM Thinks Its Software Has the Answer

A new tool to turn unstructured data into actionable intelligence could change the way law enforcement fights terrorism, and challenge the data-collection debate.

Digital Government

The Electronic Warfare Tech That’s Key to the Future of the F-35

Cognitive EW, today in its infancy, may one day justify the Joint Strike Fighter’s enormous cost.

Digital Government

Army Testing Robo-Parachutes That Don't Need GPS

The military needs what goes up to come down without the global positioning system.

Digital Government

Military Wants X-Ray Vision and Tunnel Robots To Fight Terrorists

The Combating Terrorism Technical Support Office has released its wish list for 2016 and beyond.

Digital Government

DHS: Drug Traffickers Are Spoofing Border Drones

The homeland security agency, and local law enforcement as well, are looking to harden its drones against attack, but that comes at a price.

Artificial Intelligence

Robots are Key to Pentagon’s Defensive Cyber Operations Strategy

To gain an edge on the battlefield, artificial intelligence is increasingly necessary.

Artificial Intelligence

Meet the Military-Funded AI that Learns as Fast as a Human

Today, it recognizes handwriting; tomorrow, it may vastly improve the military’s surveillance and targeting efforts.

Artificial Intelligence

AI Program Beats Humans On College Acceptance Test

Japanese researchers have created a computer program capable of limited humanistic understanding.

Digital Government

This Tool Could Sniff Out a Paris Bomb More Than a Football Field Away

The US military is working to refine and improve a multi-sensor device that could one day deploy to detect suicide vests.

Digital Government

Meet the New Head of the Pentagon’s Digital Service Team

Tech entrepreneur Christopher Lynch will come over from the White House’s own U.S. Digital Service.

Digital Government

Brennan: Paris Is a 'Wakeup Call' to Europe on Encryption

The ability to shield communications from anyone but the intended recipient via encryption and other digital means will now face unprecedented challenges.


Who’s Really In Charge if a Massive Cyberattack Strikes US?

Cyber physical attacks on infrastructure may be an unlikely sneak attack, but if it happens, the chain of command is far from clear.

Digital Government

UK Researchers Create Tiny Tractor Beam

Today, it moves little specks of plastic, but someday the sky may be the limit.