Digital Government

Army's Unmanned Helicopter Passes Key Test

The Army’s signature rotorcraft, equipped with new hardware and software, shows off a new self-piloting capability and robotic teaming.

Digital Government

Navy Plans To Deploy A Submarine Drone Squadron By 2020

The highly autonomous underwater vehicles could be sent to scout ahead of attack submarines, or to guard valuable undersea targets.

Digital Government

The New Tinfoil Hat? NSA-Proof Wallpaper

A Utah company has a new nickel-carbon material that could help the Pentagon fight off some of its most haunting threats.

Digital Government

Pentagon: We Need More People Tweeting to Combat ISIS Online

In the war of online influence, the U.S. is gaining ground but is still hopelessly outmanned.

Digital Government

Even DHS Doesn’t Want the Power It Would Get Under CISA

The Senate bill to improve cyber information sharing would route data through an agency that doesn’t want the job.

Digital Government

The Military Is Creating Vampire Drones That Die in the Sun

Like meeting the one true death, the Pentagon wants a drone that dissolves by morning light—or in 4 hours, whichever comes first.

Digital Government

When Military Robots Can Predict Your Next Move

New research may enable robotic armed guards — or just help self-driving cars get through a four-way stop

Digital Government

Talking Helmets and Base-Building Robots: The Army's 3-D Printing Future

A researcher at the service’s Weapons and Materials Directorate lays out a vision for additive printers on the battlefield.

Digital Government

For Years, the Pentagon Hooked Everything to the Internet. Now, It’s a ‘Big, Big Problem’

The Internet of Things is supposed to make life easier. For the Pentagon, the quintessential early adopter, it has made life much harder.

Digital Government

NSA Head: Loss of Access to Metadata Will Hurt Intelligence

The director of the NSA says the Freedom Act will slow and hamper intelligence gathering. Too bad it’s already law.

Digital Government

Drones Armed With High-Energy Lasers May Arrive In 2017

Predator maker looks beyond Hellfire missiles to the weapons of the future.


White House: No Cyberattack Pact with China, For Now

The Chinese president’s visit to Washington will highlight how far apart the two nations are on cyber issues.

Digital Government

Will Subdrones Cause World War III?

Smart, well-armed and built to operate on their own, underwater drones are becoming a dangerous wildcard.

Emerging Tech

The Subatomic Race to Harness Quantum Science

U.S. and China are betting millions on the promise of this newish field, but the real-world potential remains a mystery.

Digital Government

The Warship of the Future: Lasers, Holograms and 3-D Printed Drones

If you thought the battleship era faded after World War II, just wait a few decades.

Digital Government

Why a No-Fly-Zone for Drones Won’t Work

U.S. lawmakers and the military worry about small consumer drones running afoul of planes and emergency crews. But there may be no simple fix.


Is the Ashley Madison Hack Really a National Security Risk?

Thousands of the site’s affair-seeking users registered from dot-mil and dot-gov domains — at least ostensibly.

Digital Government

Someone At DEF CON Made a Drone That Hacks Computers

You can buy it for $2,500 — and turn it into a flying malware injector.

Digital Government

Hackers to Military: Replace Us With Robots? Ha!

Next year’s Cyber Grand Challenge event will pit humans against machines in a grand hacking war. DEF CON’s war gamers like their chances.