Emerging Tech

The Robots Taking Your Job Could Get You Killed

Automating processes at chemical and pharmaceutical plants could save money, but at what cost to safety?


Hacker Cracks Satellite Communications Network

Satellite tracking of people and objects was supposed to make the world safer. If only it was secure.


How To Break Into the CIA’s Cloud on Amazon

Looking to steal America’s spy data from Amazon? Hope you’re up for a challenge.

Digital Government

What The Pentagon Has To Do To Recruit Silicon Valley’s Nerds

Defense Department and national security political leaders are eager to attract tech minds. But are they willing to change enough to do so?

Digital Government

How Wi-Fi Will Power Tomorrow’s Battle Gear

Cords and batteries are a burden on the battlefield. Will future devices be powered by radio waves… from space?


How OPM Can Find Its Missing Data on the Dark Web

The best way to recover from breaches is to assume that they’re inevitable — and start looking for your data before you know it’s gone.

Digital Government

Special Operators Are Using Rapid DNA Readers

Conducting a midnight SEAL raid on a terrorist compound? Positive DNA identification is just 90 minutes away.

Digital Government

Here’s What the New Tesla Battery Means for the Military

Elon Musk’s big announcement could revolutionize energy use for U.S. consumers—and that could be its biggest effect on national security.

Digital Government

How the Pentagon Could Soon Share Americans’ Data With Foreign Militaries

The new cyber strategy could provide allies with Americans’ information gathered under proposed legislation.

Digital Government

The Army Is Testing Handheld Ray Guns

Fittingly, these rifle-sized weapons would gun for other electronics.

Digital Government

Army Wants Robot Four-Wheelers and Decepticons

The service is outlining a multidecade plan for autonomic and robotic systems.

Digital Government

US Military to Deploy Robotic Ghost Ships This Fall

An autonomous sub-hunting ship passed an important technological milestone, and the oceans may never be the same.

Digital Government

This Duck Drone Could Spy on Enemy Subs

But building a flying-and-swimming robot is harder than nature makes it look.

Digital Government

How the Military Will Fight ISIS on the Dark Web

ISIS already is on the Dark Web raising money through Bitcoin. The military is on the Dark Web, too.


Why Obama's Cybersecurity Plan May Not Make Americans Safer

The president's proposal promises to anonymize data. Experts don't think that will help.