
US-VISIT on track

DHS anticipates meeting the first deadline for entry and exit system


EPA adds architecture clause to contracts

The Environmental Protection Agency has started requiring contractors to buy into the agency's enterprise architecture


Agencies to fill out telework survey

The Office of Personnel Management wants a better look at how the federal telework program is working and how many agencies offer telecommuting as an option.


OMB issues privacy guidance

Departments and agencies to conduct privacy impact assessments before developing or making changes to tech systems.


E-gov evolution brings in citizens

As e-government initiatives evolve, future phases could involve more citizen involvement in policies and regulations, a panel of experts said.

Digital Government

Rugged laptop arena perfect for Motorola

Motorola Inc. is expanding its public safety scope beyond portable police terminals.


Gun import info goes online



Hitch: In the eye of info sharing

CIO seeks to unite Justice Department's IT vision

Digital Government

Officials want better use of GPRA

Congress should strengthen oversight to ensure the use of program performance information in managing and funding programs, officials said this month.


US-VISIT milestones may shift

Homeland Security officials say they'll meet their first deadline, but future goals and deadlines could change.


GAO calls for FBI enterprise architecture

Without a blueprint for technology operations and investments, the agency risks creating duplicative and costly systems, GAO officials said.

Digital Government

EPA puts architecture info in contracts

Tech vendors for the EPA now must conform to the agency's IT framework.


GAO wants better OPM metrics

The Office of Personnel Management says e-gov will save $2.7 billion, but congressional auditors couldn't determine how the agency came up with those numbers.


Center to merge watch lists

FBI, DHS collaborate on suspect database


Officials want better use of GPRA

Congress should strengthen oversight to ensure the use of program performance information in managing and funding programs, officials said last week.


Forest Service purchase cards under fire

GAO study says cites lax oversight contributed to wasteful spending


Library of Congress preps financial system

Systems integrator AMS will get $34 million to provide it.


E-gov needs more dialogue, official says

OMB should make sure agencies communicate on e-gov initiatives, a defense official said.


USDA to seek telecom proposals

The project includes network management, security services and transition support.


New center to consolidate terror lists

The Terrorist Screening Center is meant to ensure agents can receive the same information and access it quickly when a suspected terrorist is stopped or screened.