
US-VISIT to include visa waivers

As of Sept. 30, travelers from visa-waiver countries must enroll in the U.S. Visitor and Immigrant Status Indicator Technology program.


Haycock to leave OMB

Bob Haycock has been in charge of the federal enterprise architecture.


Congress' input wanted on ratings

Lawmakers should be more involved in rating programs and linking performance to budgets, OMB officials say.


Acquisition Solutions wins Justice job

The company will help DOJ develop strategies for acquisition and contracts for the Integrated Wireless Network.


Agencies show privacy progress

Feds are closer to finding a governmentwide privacy process, officials say.

Digital Government

FBI reworks Trilogy contracts

This time they will have penalties for missing deadlines, officials say.


DHS defends border cards

A Homeland Security official says it's just temporary until US-VISIT gets going.


Knowledge readiness

In an ever-changing environment that demands constant training upgrades and personnel shifts, agencies are beginning to look for ways to measure how much their workers already know and what they need to work more effectively.


Consumers wowed by Web sites

Some federal sites among top survey performers


Finish line in sight for FBI's Trilogy

The final piece of the FBI Trilogy modernization program should be completed by this spring, FBI Director Robert Mueller told lawmakers this week.


US-VISIT needs more staff, GAO says

Weak program management could put DHS' massive immigrant-tracking system at risk, congressional auditors say.


Survey says: Privacy needs outreach

A survey from the Industry Advisory Councils finds that training and communication are cornerstones of successful privacy programs.


Consultant provides assessments

Turner Consulting Group officials say they can analyze an agency's readiness for the governmentwide portal for finding and applying for grants.


Davis questions border cards

The congressman has concerns about DHS' plans to use border-crossing cards for some Mexican citizens in place of the visitor tracking system.


Taking e-gov one step at a time

OMB says report shows early progress


E-gov: Four measures of progress

Office of Management and Budget is required to report to Congress on agencies' progress in meeting each of the law's provisions.


Feds' health, job sites score well

Federal health and job recruiting Web sites are among the top e-government performers, according to the latest survey from the University of Michigan.


Agencies cut paper

More than half of all federal transactions were happening online by the end of 2003.

Digital Government

Agencies tackle privacy policy

More than half of the 60 agencies reporting to OMB reported that they have or plan to have machine-readable privacy policies on their Web sites.


Study lauds six for e-reports

An IBM center found that six agencies do a good job of providing performance information online.