
White House to e-gov vendors: Give us your best

Officials presented their visions for common e-gov solutions in the financial management, grants management and human relations business lines


Accessible doesn't mean usable

Meeting Section 508 requirements doesn't mean a Web site works well for people with disabilities.


Making government accessible ? online

Accessibility is the law, but feds find it is easier said than done


Accessibility development and evaluation tools

There's no one-size-fits-all solution for software to build accessible Web sites.

Digital Government

IT on the agenda

Information technology was a big part of the 9-11 Commission's discussions.


Group issues Web content draft

Standards designed to help users find common info


Setting the standard

The Interagency Committee on Government Information's Web Content Standards Working Group released draft recommendations last week for comment.


Accessibility pitfalls

Common obstacles to making Web sites accessible for all.

Digital Government

9-11 panel told of IT failures, hopes

Observers say tech will play larger role in coming days


Ideas wanted for e-gov business lines

The General Services Administration released a request for information on consolidation efforts in three business areas.


Feds praise TTIC

The Terrorist Threat Integration Center has improved analysts' ability to stop terrorism, officials told the 9-11 Commission.


9-11 group faults IT obsolescence

Funding disputes held up technology upgrades for the FBI before Sept. 11, 2001, officials told the 9-11 Commission.


FBI strong arms Trilogy project

After missed deadlines, bureau's infrastructure nearly ready


What's an enterprise architect?

The Office of Management and Budget's chief architect is at the helm of the federal government's enterprise architecture.


Heavy lifting required

The FBI has had five chief information officers in the past two years and five chief architects in the past 16 months, according to officials at the General Accounting Office.


Keeping up the pace of architecture

Haycock successor needed soon to keep road map on track, experts say


DigitalNet to support Trilogy center

The FBI contract is worth up to $7.6 million.


Lockheed opens US-VISIT office

A vendor hasn't been chosen yet for the visitor tracking system, but Lockheed Martin already has found space, just in case.


Justice to use AMS system

AMS will get $24 million for its Momentum suite, to be used in DOJ's financial management.


Chief architects gather

For the first time ever, most of the federal chief architects were in the same room at the same time this week.