
NGA's CIBORG seeks commercial data

NGA is collaborating with GSA to purchase unclassified imagery and data from commercial providers through its new CIBORG program.


Political battle escalates over charges of Russia election hacks

More members of Congress are joining the call for investigations of Russia's election hacking while the president-elect condemns the CIA and its findings.


White House orders 'full review' of election hacking

The White House has directed the intelligence community with investigating and reporting on "malicious cyber activity" by Russia and other actors during the presidential election.


Gridlock on cyber laws likely to persist

As the nature and variety of cyber crime around the world continue to grow, the DOJ warns U.S. laws are lagging, and experts say Congress is unlikely to catch up anytime soon.


Dems push for Russia hacking investigation

The ranking member of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee and others in Congress including one top Republican want to air allegations of Russian cyber interference in the U.S. elections. President-elect Trump has dismissed the assertions by U.S. spies as politically motivated.


Gen. John Kelly picked to head DHS under Trump

The president-elect has selected another retired Marine general for his cabinet -- John F. Kelly to head the Department of Homeland Security.

Digital Government

Why DOD needs a mobile upgrade

A new report from the Center for a New American Security argues the Pentagon needs to ditch its risk-averse culture and procurement procedures and embrace next-generation mobile technology.


Congressman pushes Obama on cyber deterrence policy

The ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee says one of the remaining imperatives for the President Obama is to develop a cyber deterrence strategy and pass it forward to the Trump Administration along with a host of other cyber challenges.


Commission: Trump admin needs to prioritize cybersecurity

With its report now delivered to the White House, the Commission on Enhancing National Cybersecurity says the next step is to implement the recommendations, starting with simply making cybersecurity a government priority.


Where would Mattis take cyber?

The president-elect's selection for secretary of defense is well known for his sometimes off-color comments on warfare and threats to the U.S., but James Mattis is largely a blank slate when it comes to cyber.

Digital Government

DIUx moving forward in Austin as Congress tightens leash

The final FY 2017 defense bill restricts funding for DIUx until it provides a comprehensive report to Congress. The Austin efforts, however, could address some congressional concerns.


NDAA elevates Cyber Command

The final version of the National Defense Authorization Act calls for U.S. Cyber Command to be made a full combatant command, but the NSA/Cyber Command dual-hat leadership will remain, for now.

Digital Government

Air Force launches Defense Technology Accelerator

The Air Force is launching a technology accelerator program as part of a new effort to reform acquisition procedures and rapidly field commercial technology to address military needs.


DOJ defends new cyber snooping regulations

The Justice Department said changes to criminal rules will help catch pedophiles and cybercriminals, but privacy advocates say the rules are a dangerous expansion of government hacking powers.


NSA chief in the crosshairs

Top defense and intelligence officials are pushing for the removal of the head of the NSA and U.S. Cyber Command in what appears to be a last-minute bid to split the two entities.


DOD paves the way for more hacker research

The Pentagon announced a new policy to put efforts that allow hackers to explore DOD websites for vulnerabilities on firmer legal footing.


Former spy chief says U.S. lacks cyber framework

Former NSA head Michael Hayden says that the U.S. still has not developed a coherent cyber framework and that serious challenges lie ahead for the incoming Trump administration.


IG: OPM falling short on FISMA requirements

The latest audit by OPM's inspector general says the agency is regressing in its compliance with the Federal Information Security Modernization Act.

Digital Government

DIUX and RCO could get lost in transition

Despite DOD assertions that programs like DIUX and the RCO are too mature to be eliminated by the next administration, experts warn that could happen from benign neglect.


DOD: No contact from Trump transition team

A week after winning the election, the Trump team has undergone leadership shuffles and has yet to reach out to the Defense Department to initiate transition talks.