
Outgoing DOD CIO says agility is key

Terry Halvorsen is stepping down as DOD CIO at the end of February. He says the department must push ahead with cyber and IT reforms with an emphasis on developing greater agility.


Deputy secretary to stick at Pentagon through transition

Deputy Secretary of Defense Robert Work will stay on briefly as the senior Pentagon civilian to assist the incoming Trump administration, and officials say it will be business as usual at DOD until new appointees say otherwise.


Senators push IC on whether Russia hacked GOP

Senators on the intelligence committee questioned members of IC on the extent to which Russia hacked the RNC and how that played into their assessment that Putin wanted to help Trump win the election.


Cyber threat grows exponentially, says outgoing official

The number of cyber threats, attacks and criminals continues to grow, says an outgoing White House counterterrorism and cybersecurity advisor, and the new administration must continue developing international cyber norms.


Carter stresses reform and innovation in exit memo

In his exit memo, the secretary of defense outlines current threats and priorities with a strong emphasis on the need for acquisition reform and innovation.

Digital Government

Air Force launches Digital Service franchise

Following on the December launch of the Army Digital Service, the Air Force has announced it is creating its own branch of the Defense Digital Service.


Trump to appoint former senator as DNI

According to multiple reports, President-elect Trump intends to nominate retired Indiana Senator Dan Coats as Director of National Intelligence.


Senators support intel findings on Russia, call for deterrence policy

Members of the Senate Armed Services Committee expressed support for the intelligence community and its assessment that Russia hacked Democratic Party servers to influence the election and called for more defined cyber deterrence policy.


Skeptics still doubt intelligence on Russia hacking

Days after the Obama administration announced sanctions against Russia for hacking DNC systems, President-elect Trump continues to question the intelligence used to attribute the hacks to Russia.


What to make of the NDAA's latest DOD reorgs

The 2017 National Defense Authorization Act splits the undersecretary of acquisition, technology and logistics position into two new undersecretary roles -- one focused on acquisition, the other on innovation. What does that mean for the future of defense tech?


How to talk cyber at the holiday table

Holiday dinner conversations can get heated, and one topic that's been on fire this year is cyber. Here's FCW's holiday guide to how to discuss "the cyber" with family members who are more analog than digital.


Lawmakers: Snowden a fabricator, not a whistleblower

Edward Snowden, the former NSA contractor who stole and leaked sensitive documents was a disgruntled employee and liar who is in league with Russian intelligence, says a newly declassified House Intelligence Committee report.


Report: Defense firms face more volatility in 2017

Govini forecasts greater risk and volatility for cyber and IT services firms with DOD contracts that expire in the coming year.


Lawmakers warn against weakening encryption

A congressional working group studying encryption has concluded that strong encryption is in the national interest, but needs of law enforcement must be accommodated.

Digital Government

DOD watchdog lists top 10 challenges for 2017

The Pentagon Inspector General's office has released its Fiscal Year 2017 Oversight Plan that focuses on 10 performance and management challenges facing the DOD, including cyber.


Trump taps billionaire businessman as Army secretary

President-elect Trump has selected West Point graduate and billionaire businessman Vincent Viola, a supporter of the Combating Terrorism Center and Army Cyber Institute at West Point, as pick for the top civilian slot in the U.S. Army.


Army launches Digital Service branch

The U.S. Army has launched its own branch of the Defense Digital Service with the goal of updating recruiting software and other outdated Army platforms and systems.


Former officials urge response to Russian hacking

As the Obama administration enters its last weeks, former national security officials say the president needs to punish Russia for interfering in the U.S. election.


Watchdog: DOD needs to improve cybersecurity

Despite taking steps to improve cybersecurity, the Department of Defense reportedly is still coming up short on securing its cyber networks, systems and infrastructure.


Report: DOD needs new strategy to regain technological edge

The U.S. is facing greater technological competition from its adversaries, and a new report states the DOD needs to adopt an "optionality strategy" in order to regain its edge.