
McCaul adviser sees digital security commission launching soon

Legislation to establish a commission on encryption and other security issues "is going to happen," said Col. Andrea Thompson, a national security adviser to the House Homeland Security Committee.


FBI seeks CIO

Whoever takes the gig will be called on to carry the FBI forward in an era of cloud computing and data center consolidation.


U.S. must keep pace with China in cyberspace

Despite the talent at NSA and U.S. Cyber Command, there is a mismatch between Chinese and U.S. investments in cyberspace, said House Armed Services Committee Chairman Mac Thornberry.


IARPA taps Dixon as deputy director

Stacey Dixon, most recently a deputy director at NGA, has significant Capitol Hill experience.


Jeb Bush plans to hold government IT managers accountable

In an op-ed for Business Insider, the GOP presidential candidate called for "the federal government must put its own house in order, prioritizing to reflect the urgency and importance of protecting key databases and communications."


McCain slams White House’s cyber deterrence plan

The Obama administration's long-anticipated cyber deterrence plan doesn't feature enough offense for Sen. John McCain.


Pentagon wraps up classified study of enterprise cyber defense

Pentagon officials have completed a classified assessment of the effectiveness of enterprise cybersecurity tools at defense agencies, and the assessors are sharing lessons with the military services.


Exclusive: What DHS and the FBI learned from the OPM breach

"Convenience and accessibility has been prioritized over critical security practices," at OPM, according to a Dec. 23 alert distributed to cleared contractors by the Defense Security Service on behalf of DHS and the FBI.

Digital Government

Air Force wants resilient software

A broad agency announcement from the Air Force Research Laboratory's Information Directorate seeks R&D for software that can operate in contested information environments.


HASC tackles acquisition bureaucracy

Lawmakers at a Jan. 7 House Armed Services Committee hearing explored both structural and technological challenges to acquisition reform.


DNI announces CTIIC leadership

Tonya Ugoretz, a career FBI analyst, and Maurice Bland, a retired Army colonel, will lead the nascent Cyber Threat Intelligence Integration Center.


Pentagon warns contractors of Juniper vulnerabilities

In a Dec. 22 notice to industry obtained by FCW, the Defense Security Service warns defense contractors that a Juniper vulnerability could allow remote administrative access and "result in a complete compromise of the affected system."


OPM COO resigns

Angela Bailey has been at the center of an organization under intense pressure to improve its cyber defense following the large-scale hack affecting millions of federal employees that OPM revealed last June.


Pentagon CIO issues IT services directive

The directive is the latest move in an ongoing effort by CIO Terry Halvorsen to standardize how all defense agencies measure their IT performance.


IG blasts DOD CIO for lack of cloud metrics

The Department of Defense doesn't know whether it is getting cost savings from cloud computing, and may be inviting security risks in the process, according to the Pentagon's inspector general.


Secret Service taps Nally for CIO post

Longtime Marines IT leader Brig. Gen. Kevin Nally is coming out of retirement to take over tech operations at the U.S. Secret Service.

Digital Government

Exploiting tactical cyber intelligence

A new report from the Intelligence and National Security Alliance examines four keys to a successful cyber intelligence program.


Cyber threat agency navigates growing pains

The White House's plan for fusing cyber intelligence after the massive hack of Sony Pictures Entertainment got off to a rocky start, but an insider says agency turf battles that appeared ready to unfold have been quieted.


Clinton calls for 'Manhattan-like project' on encryption

Clinton has elevated her voice among current and former Obama administration officials warning of the potentially dire consequences of "going dark."


Report: Juniper breach has feds worried

A big breach at computer security firm Juniper Networks has federal officials fearing that foreign spies had access to encrypted communications between the U.S. government and the private sector for the last three years, according to a CNN report.