
Audit finds Navy installations still vulnerable

Navy officials did not properly tap the National Crime Information Center when screening certain contractors, the IG concluded in a November report that was released in full on Dec. 18.


White House sends cyber deterrence policy to Congress

Lawmakers have long asked for such a policy, but the debate is likely only getting started now that they have one.


Defense chief used personal email for official business

The revelation raises questions about the security of information handled by Defense Secretary Ashton Carter and revives concerns about email security practices in the Obama administration.


Info-sharing bill's advance is a landmark for DHS

The inclusion of cybersecurity information-sharing legislation in an omnibus package is a milestone in the Department of Homeland Security's evolving collaboration with the private sector on cyber.


Rogers pushes NSA to lead on ICITE, previews agency reorg

The National Security Agency's technological prowess means the agency must lead on an intelligence community-wide IT architecture, Director Adm. Michael Rogers said Dec. 15.


BlackBerry boss strikes conciliatory tone on encryption

Like his Apple counterpart, BlackBerry CEO John Chen is opposed to weakening encryption but says the debate between law enforcement and tech firms has gotten too acrimonious.


McCain wants to scrutinize social media of U.S. visitors

Sen. John McCain introduced a bill Dec. 15 that would require the Department of Homeland Security to scour the social media presence of foreign travelers to the United States.


Air Force closes in on new directive for IT governance

Lisa Disbrow, President Obama's choice for the post of Undersecretary of the Air Force, updated a Senate panel on the Air Force's IT plans at her nomination hearing.


Joint Chiefs hack illustrates insufficient cyber defense

Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Joseph Dunford said the hack "clearly highlighted for me...that whatever investments we've made in cyber defense to date have not gotten us to where we need to be."

Digital Government

Pentagon wants to go all-in on automation

Deputy Defense Secretary Robert Work foresees a near future in which men and women in combat will have wearable electronics equipped with software applications.


DOD looking to put classified data in commercial cloud

Rob Vietmeyer, DOD CIO's point man on cloud, said it could be over a year before a commercial cloud provider handles Level 6 data


Chaffetz renews call for OPM CIO's resignation

The chairman of the House oversight committee is once again calling for OPM CIO Donna Seymour's resignation after an IG report said the agency violated federal acquisition policies in awarding a credit-monitoring contract.


Cyber bill vote in sight

Members of the House and Senate intelligence committees are in talks to iron out the final details of the cybersecurity bill.


Army Contracting Command looks to commercial cloud

The U.S. Army Contracting Command in Rock Island, Ill. is seeking commercial cloud solutions for Army enterprise applications.


Cyber sharing with industry improving, DOJ says

The Justice Department is trying to send threat information back to breach victims as an investigation progresses, according to a top cybersecurity official at the agency.


Comey: 'Going dark' is business, not technical, challenge

The FBI director sounded upbeat about the possibility of convincing tech firms to give law enforcement access to encrypted customer communications with a warrant.


Navy drones still a work in progress

The new deputy assistant secretary of the Navy for unmanned systems is still exploring how best to deploy remotely guided vessels.


McCaul wants new commission on encryption and law enforcement

Top law enforcement officials have decried unbreakable commercial encryption as a dark space for terrorists and criminals. In the wake of the San Bernardino and Paris attacks, one House leader wants to take a hard look at the technology.


Senators question DHS, DOJ about ransomware

Ransomware attacks that hold users’ data hostage are said to be on the rise, and Sens. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) and Tom Carper (D-Del.) want answers from the departments of Justice and Homeland Security.

Digital Government

TRANSCOM wants help with IT management

U.S. Transportation Command is looking for advice on acquiring and managing IT, with a request for proposals expected soon.