
Can U.S. border tech detect fake passports?

The Paris terror attacks prompted debate in the United States on a number of policy issues, including passport security.


Naval Research Lab hit by zero-day exploit

The sophisticated attack on NRL's unclassified network became an "experiment unto itself," NRL Commanding Officer Capt. Mark Bruington said.

Digital Government

U.S. Marshals gets new chief data officer

Struggling with a flood of data, the U.S. Marshals Service has hired a new chief data officer and is looking for ways to make agency personnel smarter about using data.


Air Force Space Command not spending on cyber defense of weapons systems

The Air Force Space Command did not spend a penny on cybersecurity for weapons systems in the last fiscal year. Air Force CIO Lt. Gen. William Bender is trying to change that.


Is electronic warfare stuck in the 20th century?

Pentagon officials say the convergence of electronic warfare and cyberspace is upon us, and it presents both opportunities and threats.


NSA's bulk data program is shut down

The National Security Agency is replacing a controversial spying program with a new data collection regime approved under the USA Freedom Act.


Wiltsie steps down at Army PEO EIS

After more than four years running the Program Executive Office for Enterprise Information Systems, Doug Wiltsie is shifting into a new role for the Army.

Digital Government

DARPA seeks to map 'systems of systems'

Systems of systems, such as those found in 'smart cities,' hold great promise for integrating several types of functions, but DARPA officials see much room for improvement.


Michael Wheeless

Michael Wheeless successfully demonstrated that commercial smartphones and tablets could connect securely from Navy ships to networks back ashore.


Katherine Mullins

Katherine Mullins has been instrumental in enabling all levels of government to communicate securely via the Homeland Security Information Network.


IG: State lax on information security

A newly released audit concludes that the State Department is not complying with federal information security standards and has failed to fully implement a continuous monitoring strategy.


In Sentinel, the FBI finds an unlikely poster child for agile

The FBI has struggled with case management over the years. The bureau’s CTO thinks lessons learned along the way have taught the FBI how to do agile development,


IG: OPM still vulnerable to cyber attacks

The Office of Personnel Management's lack of compliance with the Federal Information Security Modernization Act leaves it vulnerable to another cyberattack, according to an audit from the agency's internal watchdog.


IG finds lapses in DHS IT security

An audit of fiscal 2015 information security practices noted progress but found that DHS components did not maintain their security programs on a continuous, year-round basis.


CMU denies working for the FBI in targeting Tor users

Carnegie Mellon University's Software Engineering Institute released a statement vaguely denying Tor's claim that the FBI paid the institute $1 million to de-anonymize users.


DISA chief: We're in 'an economic cyber cold war'

The U.S. government is fighting at least a two-front cyber war involving the daily fending off of millions of attacks on defense networks and the slow-burn of economic espionage, according to a top Pentagon official.


Army moves JRSS along, with other services in tow

The Army is moving forward with what Pentagon brass consider to be a crucial piece of the future defense IT backbone: the Joint Regional Security Stacks.


Paris attacks revive 'going dark' concerns

The terrorist attacks in Paris have rekindled a debate in the United States about law enforcement access to end-to-end encryption on mobile devices.


DISA to issue multiple Level 5 cloud authorizations

In the next 18 months, the Defense Information Systems Agency will issue four to five provisional authorizations for commercial cloud providers to handle sensitive Level 5 government data, according to a DISA official.


White House offering $100M in grants for IT job training

The Obama administration on Nov. 17 announced new efforts to boost IT-sector employment; 30-40 grants are expected.