
NGA sees urgency in harnessing commercial geoint capabilities

At a Nov. 16 small satellite workshop at NGA headquarters, Director Robert Cardillo said his agency must hitch itself to the explosion in commercial geospatial capabilities.


Marine Corps CIO seeks to cordon off network

The uniqueness of the Marine Corps network and the threat of adversaries manipulating data require the Corps to segment parts of its network to make it more defensible, CIO Dennis Crall said.


What does Tor's allegation against the FBI mean for computer research?

The Web anonymity service's allegation that the FBI paid researchers to unmask Tor users has alarmed some cryptographers and raises questions about the collaborative relationship between law enforcement and security researchers.


Pentagon purges HTML from .mil emails

The Pentagon is tightening the screws on its campaign to improve email security. Get ready for a return to plain text.

Digital Government

IG knocks State's handling of $3.5B contract

A State Department office charged with overseeing a $3.5 billion contract failed to validate certain performance metrics while the department paid incentive fees to contractors on the project, according to a new report.


What a big Navy breach taught the Army

The Army had been paying close attention to the Navy's operation to drive Iranian hackers from the unclassified portion of the service's intranet.

Digital Government

Can the Pentagon connect with the Internet of Things?

Experts say DOD cannot capitalize on the Internet of Things until a common language for the countless and far-flung devices on defense networks emerges.


NSA chief says agency discloses '91 percent' of zero day bugs

The National Security Agency last year disclosed to the private sector about 91 percent of previously unknown software vulnerabilities the agency discovered, according to NSA Director Adm. Michael Rogers.


Pentagon releases cyber acquisition guidance

DOD's acquisition office released guidance late last month for program managers to better address cybersecurity risk during the acquisition process.

Digital Government

VA chief touts interoperability

The key to improving veterans' health care is electronic health records that are interoperable among VA, DOD and the private sector, VA Secretary Robert McDonald said.

Digital Government

IT basically unscathed in revised NDAA

The $5 billion in cuts to a defense policy bill under a budget deal between the White House and Congress would affect only a smattering of IT programs.


Of Botnets and CISA

Sheldon Whitehouse's amendment to tackle botnets in the Senate cyber bill failed. How much good might the legislation have done?


DHS chief says critical vulnerabilities greatly reduced

DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson praised agencies' progress on network security, saying nearly 99 percent of identified problems have been fixed since May.


White House backs CISA's privacy provisions

The Obama administration is defending the privacy protections in a Senate-passed information-sharing bill despite the defeat of a string of privacy-focused amendments.


Reservists form 'connective tissue' between DIUX and Silicon Valley

Military reservists might be the key to closer collaboration between Silicon Valley and the Pentagon, according to Raj Shah, an Air Force reservist and senior director of strategy at Palo Alto Networks.


State Department seeks more advanced biometrics

The State Department, like the Pentagon, is interested in more sophisticated biometric technologies to help with security overseas.

Digital Government

CIA official looks to free 'captive' data

The CIA's new head of digital innovation wants to unsilo the spy agency's data. That problem is so big and complicated that a whole new organization has been created to solve it.


DISA tees up new round of contracts

Agency officials outlined a range of forthcoming contracts covering everything from enterprise resource planning to cybersecurity analytics at a Nov. 2 industry day.


Shoring up supply chain security

Supply chain measures should address gaps in policy but not discriminate against products from a certain country, according to a new report from the Council on Foreign Relations.


Pentagon steps up private-sector cyber exchanges

The Defense Department is trying to draw cybersecurity expertise from the private sector while sharing its own lessons learned.