
Army issues guidance for commercial cloud migration

The guidance stipulates that commands bear ultimate responsibility for ensuring that systems and applications within their portfolios are rationalized.


OMB developing cyber guidance for contractors

New guidelines will be aimed at bolstering contractor cybersecurity in the wake of breaches that originated with vendors.


ACT-IAC looks to 'dramatically improve' federal cybersecurity

The public-private group is surveying academia, industry and others, and will report its findings to federal CIO Tony Scott by the end of September.


ITA official tracks data for cyber insights

The proliferation of data at DOD, via mobile devices and other means, has enlarged the "attack surface" and rendered perimeter-focused defense virtually obsolete.


Army looks to beef up Cyber Battle Lab

The cyber lab at Fort Gordon is projected to have "initial operating capability" in October.


AT&L official: Data restrictions in defense bill impede management

The already testy public debate between Pentagon officials and Sen. John McCain over an acquisition provision in the defense authorization bill is getting even testier.


DOD looks to new analytics center to tackle insider threat

The Defense Insider Threat Management and Analysis Center is meant to be predictive rather than reactive, with the help of advances in big data.


CSIS, lawmakers launch cyber task force for next president

The new task force will take note of progress since the last one seven years ago, and make recommendations for executive action for whoever is elected in 2016.


Transportation Command upbeat in cyber progress report

Ten months after a Senate Armed Services Committee report faulted Transportation Command's cyber posture, the commander and his potential successor said progress has been made.


How US-CERT gets the word out

The U.S. Computer Emergency Readiness Team collaborates with other federal agencies and industry to quickly disseminate cyberthreat alerts.


Report: UL in talks with White House on IoT certification

A certification from Underwriters Laboratories, which has historically focused on electrical safety, could set a broad risk standard for cybersecurity.


The private-sector focus of the Pentagon's annual cyber exercise

"Participants rehearsed a whole-of-nation response to destructive cyberattacks against U.S. critical infrastructure," according to the Pentagon's official news service.


The quest for command and control in cyberspace

Since the U.S. military declared cyberspace an operational domain in 2011, it has been a question of how and when, not if, the Pentagon will organize its capabilities.


Halvorsen's Silicon Valley trip shakes up JRSS

An RFP for Joint Regional Security Stacks software will ask vendors to incorporate big-data analytics capabilities that DOD CIO Terry Halvorsen observed firsthand in Silicon Valley.


Unlike Clinger and Cohen, Connolly says he's here to stay

The authors of the last big federal IT reform law left Congress soon after enactment. Virginia Democrat Gerry Connolly says "we're going to continue to watch over" FITARA implementation.


NGA prepares directive to speed acquisition

NGA Deputy Director Susan Gordon says coming guidance will put tangible policy behind the agency’s oft-stated goal of more quickly deploying technologies.


Study tackles DOD acquisition riddle

Use all funding options to get cutting-edge technologies into the hands of soldiers faster, says a new CSIS study.

Digital Government

Pentagon hopes single service provider will deliver

The DOD is looking for its transition to a single service provider for IT services to yield benefits in efficiency and scale.