
Navy paying millions for Windows XP, other dated products

The Navy has awarded a $9.1 million contract to Microsoft for dated products including Windows XP, which the firm stopped providing updates for over a year ago.


Einstein the only winner from another flaying of OPM on the Hill

A key lawmaker said he is readying fresh legislation to accelerate the cyber detection program.


Joint Chiefs official blasts cultural resistance to major IT projects

Two of the Pentagon's major IT security initiatives face problems from the ranks, laments Lt. Gen. Mark Bowman.


Rogers mum on OPM attribution, but says hack shows value of data

The country's top cyber official declined to officially attribute the OPM hack to China, but called the intrusion a reminder of how "data has value as a commodity."

Digital Government

Hardware still hindering State visa process

After a June 9 hardware failure ground the State Department's process for issuing visas overseas to a near halt, two-thirds of the department's posts are now back online and issuing visas.

Digital Government

New NGA strategy touts automation, commercial capabilities

National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency Director Robert Cardillo says geospatial intelligence is ripe for collaboration between industry and government.


Grassley unsatisfied with DOD response to ex-comptroller case

Sen. Charles Grassley and the Defense Department have traded letters over the alleged mistreatment of former Defense Information Systems Agency Comptroller Jimaye Sones.


House Intel panel, White House spar over new cyber agency

The intelligence authorization bill would, the White House says, leave the Cyber Threat Intelligence Integration Center with too broad a set of responsibilities and a dearth of resources.


Parsing the cyber bills in the 114th Congress

The Congressional Research Service offers a detailed analysis of cybersecurity proposals being considered by lawmakers.


DOD looks to better data for better security

Pentagon officials are trying to do a better job of reaping the low-hanging fruit of cyberattack data to make their networks more secure.


Navy challenged by spear phishing, software patches

The less discriminate act of phishing is apparently a Defense Department-wide problem.


DISA looks to fine-tune JRSS software

Pentagon CIO Terry Halvorsen says software is one of the missing pieces of the Joint Regional Security Stacks puzzle. DISA says it is getting closer to solving that puzzle.


DISA five-year plan treats cyber as warring domain

Defense Information Systems Agency Director Lt. Gen. Ronnie Hawkins says network operators need to adopt the "principles of war, whether it is maneuver, speed [or] surprise" to defend DOD networks.


Lynn to replace Hawkins as DISA director

Army Maj. Gen. Alan Lynn is currently vice director of the Defense Information Systems Agency.


Halvorsen 'concerned' by status of JRSS software

The Pentagon's top IT official said the Joint Regional Security Stacks software, a key piece of the program's success, needs improving.


New glitch stalls State's visa and passport database

A June 9 hardware failure stalls passport and visa issuances, but is apparently unrelated to last year's failure of the Consular Consolidated Database.


Coalition for Open Security brings new voice to info-sharing debate

The formation of the coalition, a private sector-led group with tacit federal support, comes at a critical time for cybersecurity information-sharing legislation.


Senators: End sequester to pay for cybersecurity

OPM's fiscal 2016 request of $272 million includes $21 million for finishing network upgrades begun in fiscal 2014.


Army fights a two-front cyber war

The Army has been testing weapon systems for sophisticated cyber threats, but it was an attack on its public website that underscored the breadth of the challenge facing defense agencies.