Digital Government

Pentagon working on federated app store

To save money and time, Defense Department officials are moving gradually toward a shared catalog of approved mobile applications.


Security experts: OPM breach shows Einstein isn't enough

Post-mortems on the OPM hack show that former officials agree on one thing: that Einstein 3 and CDM, cornerstones of federal civilian cyber defense, need to be enhanced.


DISA redoing content delivery

The Defense Information Systems Agency is exploring the next version of its Global Content Delivery Service.


Untold lines of code make Pentagon weapons vulnerable

DOD officials are up against a daunting challenge in making weapons systems more secure from hackers.


Modified BPA for CDM coming within 30 days

The crucial next phase of the $6 billion acquisition vehicle will focus on identity management.


The urgency behind DOD's acquisition reform efforts

Better Buying Power 3.0 has a geostrategic urgency and emphasis on cybersecurity that was missing from earlier iterations.


Marines hope IT can keep pace with personnel

The Corps has recently deployed personnel to crises springing up around the world, but is still working on how best to equip those officers with the information they own at garrison.


DOD releases updated IT management guidance

The second edition of the DOD Enterprise Service Management Framework sets requirements for IT services contracting based on industry best practices.


USMC colonel calls for shakeup of cyber structure

Marine Col. Gregory Breazile, director of the Corps' C2/Cyber and Electronic Warfare Integration Division, says HQ "is not functionally aligned to support cyberspace operations."


IT lobby optimistic about defense bill

Some acquisition provisions in the defense authorization measure have pleased the IT Industry Council’s public sector arm.


Cracking down on poor cyber hygiene

DOD Deputy CIO David Cotton says stricter enforcement of cyber hygiene standards at the Pentagon comes as users still struggle with basic security measures.


Britain's cyber envoy, in his own words

The Anglo-American relationship in cyberspace is flourishing thanks in part to bilateral measures agreed to by Prime Minister David Cameron and President Barack Obama.


State Department presents cyber norms to Congress

Maryland Democrat Benjamin Cardin is skeptical about how U.S. cyber adversaries will receive the State Department’s newly released peacetime norms for cyberspace.


House defense bill includes acquisition reform

Included in the $612 billion House-passed defense bill are some of Armed Services Chairman Mac Thornberry's proposals for overhauling military purchasing.


Fate of surveillance program lies in Senate's hands

After the House voted overwhelmingly to rein in the NSA's bulk-data collection program, the Senate is set for a showdown.

Digital Government

DOD Lab Day has a cyber undercurrent

At the Pentagon's first-ever Laboratory Day, researchers from Air Force, Army and Navy labs won $45 million to develop quantum computing.

Digital Government

Bureaucratic wall stands between DOD and Silicon Valley

Analysts say Defense Secretary Ashton Carter needs to seize the reins of the bureaucracy to push innovation.


Debating the Sino-Russian cyber pact

Mike Rogers, the former chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, weighed in on the growing Russian and Chinese threats to U.S. assets in cyberspace.


NSA chief wary of proxies

Adm. Michael Rogers says nation-states might increasingly turn to surrogates to conduct cyberattacks.


Pentagon frets over China's cyber capabilities

The annual report to Congress comes not long after the Chinese defense ministry objected to what it said was the offensive nature of the Pentagon's cyber strategy.