
Guard, Reserve are X factors in cyber plans

Defense Secretary Ashton Carter wants the National Guard and Reserve to play a crucial role in building out the Pentagon's cyber force.


Navy's new cyber strategy prioritizes threats

U.S. Fleet Cyber Command's five-year plan aims to avoid a repeat of the 2013 Iranian hack of the Navy Marine Corps Intranet.


Air Force CIO describes requirements nightmare

Air Operations Centers form the cornerstone of the Air Force's command and control, but the service's top IT officer says an upgrade in AOC architecture has been anything but smooth.


FBI cyber boss gets bigger portfolio

Joseph Demarest, who took a leading role in pointing the finger at North Korea for the Sony hack, moves to the No. 2 position in the Criminal, Cyber, Response and Services Branch.


Air Force setting up Silicon Valley office

The USAF will be joining the Department of Defense in Silicon Valley.


Marine cyber commander reassures comm officers

Maj. Gen. Daniel O'Donohue told communications officers that their contributions are not being overshadowed by cyber specialists.

Digital Government

State to set up analytics office

The State Department's new strategic plan calls for a greater focus on harnessing big data.


NIST plays matchmaker on identity verification

The National Institute of Standards and Technology funds the Identity Ecosystem Steering Group, bringing together disparate interests to solve the password puzzle.


Marine Corps CIO focuses on collapsing networks

Three months after the Marine Corps commandant issued IT-focused guidance, CIO Brig. Gen. Kevin Nally offered an update on how the Corps is meeting key goals, from network consolidation to mobility.


Cyber treaty not in the cards

The fast-changing nature of cyberspace makes any big-bang international deal on cyber norms infeasible, says the State Department's coordinator for cyber issues.


Former DISA comptroller alleges retaliation

In an exclusive interview, Jimaye Sones, who was Defense Information Systems Agency comptroller from 2005 to 2013, says he was reassigned after revealing questionable accounting practices at the agency.


NSA's Silicon Valley outreach a work in progress

The wounds left by disclosures of National Security Agency surveillance may not have healed, but the NSA will continue to plumb Silicon Valley for talent.


Wounded warriors take aim at online predators

Through computer forensics training and internships, veterans are helping Immigration and Customs Enforcement tackle a backlog in child exploitation cases.


Carter discloses Russian hack of Pentagon

In rolling out the Pentagon's cybersecurity strategy, Defense Secretary Ashton Carter revealed that Russian hackers hit a DOD unclassified network earlier this year.


CERT boss: Classification shouldn't hinder info sharing

On a visit to Silicon Valley, U.S. Computer Emergency Readiness Team Director Ann Barron-DiCamillo spoke with FCW about Heartbleed, DHS's standing with the private sector and her team's main task, threat information dissemination.


Rewiring the Pentagon: Carter's new cyber strategy

After two months on the job studying DOD's cybersecurity and IT needs, Secretary Ashton Carter is set to unveil a new Pentagon cyber strategy in Silicon Valley.


DOJ official warns of Sony repeat

John Carlin, assistant attorney general for national security, warns that more destructive cyberattacks are likely on the horizon.


The 'ISIS effect' on DOD networks

From Kuwait to Honolulu, the war with the Islamic State is changing how the U.S. military communicates.


Debating the Iranian cyber threat

A new industry report attributes a surge in cyberattacks on Western infrastructure to Iran, but at least one security expert is disputing the findings.


NIST official: Internet of Things is indefensible

The interconnectivity of the Internet of Things makes cyber threats inevitable, says NIST fellow Ron Ross.