
Pentagon to release cyber strategy next week

Newly minted Defense Secretary Ashton Carter's prioritization of cybersecurity will cross a threshold when the Pentagon releases a multi-year cyber strategy.


Can the Army build on ITES-2S momentum?

The key to the ongoing success of the Army's IT contracting vehicle is incorporating cloud and cybersecurity solutions into the next iteration.


'Data is the new oil' -- a window into cyber forensics

A visit to Lockheed Martin's cyber forensics facility shows just how much cyber intelligence is in private hands.


Kendall welcomes House acquisition reform bill, with caveats

The Pentagon's top acquisition official says provisions concerning the service chiefs and acquisition experience for personnel need improvement.


Information-sharing bill on tap in House Homeland panel

House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Michael McCaul’s bill offers liability protections for firms to share cyber-threat information with the government.


At Joint Base San Antonio, Air Force lags on JRSS

Lt. Col. Timothy Kneeland, commander of Joint Base San Antonio’s 502nd Communications Squadron, says the base’s Air Force component is running behind on a key DOD IT modernization project.

Digital Government

DARPA keeps an eye on the Arctic

The Defense Department's research shop wants a network of rugged, affordable sensors for the far north.


NSA touts role in cyber investigations

National Security Agency Director Adm. Michael Rogers called for closer and more rapid collaboration with the private sector in investigating cyber intrusions.


White House: No 'red lines' in responding to cyber threats

Top White House cybersecurity adviser Michael Daniel wants all options on table for responding to cyber attacks.


Air Force shifts IT exec

Bill Marion, CTO at Air Force Space Command, was named CIO for the service’s personnel directorate.


Obama declares foreign cyber threats a 'national emergency'

The president’s executive order authorizes sanctions on those deemed a threat to U.S. economic or national security.


Library of Congress rudderless on IT, says GAO

To help fix the lack of strategic direction, GAO suggested the world's biggest library hire a permanent CIO.

Digital Government

DARPA director warns against 'corrosion' of sequestration

The fiscal 2016 budget request for DARPA is about $3 billion, but Arati Prabhakar says research would suffer if automatic cuts resume.


Necessity is the mother of Navy acquisition reform

The Navy's Innovation Cell is designed to speed up a lumbering acquisition system by getting vendors involved earlier in the process.


Air Force, Intel take a crack at malware market

FCW recently visited the Air Force Academy’s Center of Innovation, where a team of researchers is trying to take large swaths of malware off the market with the help of Intel Corp.


Thornberry's defense acquisition bill: 'not enough ... but it's a start'

House Armed Services Chairman Mac Thornberry, who championed defense acquisition reform before it was cool, said he has compiled more than 1,000 suggested changes.


New NGA CIO 'bullish' on IT deployment

NGA CIO and director of IT services Douglas McGovern say his new office will help the agency deliver better intelligence to government customers.


Cyber commander wants more offense

National Security Agency Director Adm. Michael Rogers calls for more offense, while Sen. John McCain blasts the administration for lack of effective deterrence.


Congress looks for interagency coordination on drones

Lawmakers are considering putting DHS in charge of an interagency task force on drone security.


Revisiting the Navy’s blueprint for cyber operations

Operation Rolling Tide, which drove Iranian hackers from the Navy Marine Corps Intranet, could have a lasting impact on the Pentagon's approach to cyber.