
McCaul readies cyber bill with added liability protections

The Homeland Security Committee chairman said the White House's proposal does not do enough to alleviate private-sector liability concerns.


Carter visits Cyber Command

The new defense secretary's first visit was to Cyber Command, where he stressed the importance of keeping the command and NSA under one leader.


Drawing back the curtain on cyberwar

Shane Harris' book "@War" details the personalities and turf battles behind the U.S. government's conclusion that cyberspace is a national security asset.


Meet the Air Force's future cyber force

FCW visited the Air Force Academy outside Colorado Springs, where a team of young cyber cadets is racking up medals and experience prized by Pentagon leaders.


Can the Pentagon keep pace on biometrics?

The Defense Department has launched an improved version of its biometrics repository, but the system still lacks the latest technology.


No-longer-acting Pentagon CIO holds forth

On his first full day as DOD's permanent CIO, Terry Halvorsen spoke with FCW about his push for hybrid data centers, the commercial cloud and cultivating trust with industry.


Peering into the cyber future

A new IARPA program looks to fund technology that can anticipate rather than react to cyber threats.


The uncertain marriage of CDM and FedRAMP

Two vast risk management programs are gradually converging. How smoothly and quickly they can do so remains an open question.


Top cyber brass warn Congress on sequestration

Mandatory cuts could have a "significant impact" on Cyber Command's ability to defend DOD information networks.


Levine tapped for DCMO

President Barack Obama has nominated the longtime Senate staffer as the Pentagon's new deputy chief management officer.


A lackluster FISMA report card

Federal agencies reported a 15 percent increase in information security incidents last year over 2013.


ICITE faces 'cultural resistance'

Former Acting DIA Director David Shedd said an IC-wide IT platform faces bureaucratic resistance, the same day that DNI James Clapper said the platform was key to promoting intelligence integration.


Departing DISA director plans for smooth transition

Lt. Gen. Ronnie Hawkins, who earned a reputation as a cost-cutter, says leveraging more efficient IT has been key.


Software-defined networking key to Lockheed's DISA deal

It has been more than two years since Lockheed Martin nabbed a $4.6 billion contract to manage DOD's global data network.


DNI worries about cumulative, not catastrophic, cyber threat

DNI James Clapper is less worried about a cyber Pearl Harbor than death from a thousand cuts.


DOD may need congressional help on data centers

Acting Defense Department CIO Halvorsen told a House Armed Services subcommittee that consolidating DOD data centers could require legislation.


How (and why) the CIA plans to expand cyber capabilities

The spy agency wants to better integrate cybersecurity into its traditional human intelligence operations.


Cyber threat challenges military structure

The military's traditional, top-down way of operating is being challenged by the non-diffuse nature of computer networks, says Lt. Gen. Edward Cardon, head of Army Cyber Command.


NSA's Rogers makes the case for cyber norms

Responding indirectly to evidence that Iran’s cyber capabilities have improved because of a U.S.-Israeli cyberattack, NSA Director Adm. Michael Rogers said clearer norms could help prevent such escalation.


The new frontier for information sharing

A week after two big moves on cybersecurity policy, cyber czar Michael Daniel reflects on the avenues for public-private information sharing.