
Agencies address the 'people problems' of shared services

IT leaders discuss obstacles to buy-in, tactics for overcoming 'component-level resistance.'


What IT leaders can learn from regulations

Cass Sunstein's 'Simpler' shows how careful design and assessment can make almost any system better.

Digital Government

Parsing the VA debate

Executive Editor Troy K. Schneider discusses the reader comments to our story on IT troubles at the Department of Veterans Affairs.


Furloughed feds can take to the fairway

If you're forced to take unpaid leave, might as well enjoy a discounted round of golf.


Sequester's silver lining

Sequestration has redefined 'normal,' but agency leaders are beginning to recognize new kinds of opportunities in it.

Digital Government

OMB reasserts its gatekeeper role between agencies and Congress

Memo stresses need for feds to clear all testimony and other legislative communications before heading to the Hill.


CIOs on cyber workers

A new report seeks to help agency leaders understand the cybersecurity workforce.


Honoring the 1 percent

April event will recognize career federal executives who have earned the Senior Executives Association's civil service award.

Digital Government

OMB details sequester cuts in report to Congress

The government's budget overseer updates its mandated report with the latest facts and figures.

Digital Government

Sequester's impact to be felt beyond the Beltway

Despite all the wonkish talk and the partisan debate, the sequester is far from a Washington, D.C.-only problem.


A physical award for cyberwarriors

Panetta announces new DOD-wide medal that can go to personnel involved in high-tech combat.

Digital Government

Obama to host second 'fireside hangout' after speech

Want to ask the president a question? Submit yours by Feb. 13 and he may answer it on a Google+ event following the State of the Union address.

Digital Government

Pick your sequester scenario

Budget veteran says short sequester is likely, but 19 other things could happen.

Digital Government

Obama urges sequestration delay

House Speaker Boehner insists that only spending cuts should be involved in avoiding sequestration.

Digital Government

How can one nominate Fed 100 contenders?

The Conversation: Our responses to your questions and comments.


The envelope please ....

This year's honorees represent a wide range of accomplishments, such as guarding against the next wave of cyberattacks and deploying mission-driven big data projects. Read on for the full list of winners and information about the gala celebration coming in March.

Digital Government

White House raises the bar for petitions

A flurry of popular petitions, both silly and politically sticky, prompt officials to quadruple threshold for an official response

Digital Government

Agencies get two-month reprieve on sequestration

Congress acts on Jan. 1 to preserve tax cuts, delay across-the-board budget cuts.

Digital Government

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