Digital Government

NASA's Gangnam video delights some, baffles others

An intern-produced video parodying a popular Korean rap song has been viewed nearly 2.7 million times on YouTube.


Fed 100 deadline extended

We're taking Fed 100 nominations for a few days longer than originally planned, but time is still short.

Digital Government

The E-Gov Act's legacy

Ten years later, the E-Government Act of 2002 still guides federal IT.


Could agencies sell frequencies for cash?

FCC Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel floats a novel idea for mitigating the impact of budget cuts.

Digital Government

What's on your dashboard?

Agencies are drowning in data, but tools and strategies to make sense of it all are starting to emerge.

Digital Government

ELC content may not be lost

The Executive Leadership Conference didn't happen this year due to weather and safety concerns, but expect to see much of the planned content appear in other venues, says Bob Suda.


The yellow brick road to cloud comfort

NASA's top tech officer explains how a classic film can aid managers struggling with cloud computing concerns.


Todd Park talks innovation in new anthology

The US CTO is one of several goverment innovators writing about the intersection of technology and government in a book from the McKinsey Center for Government.


5 books you should have read by now

There’s room on your nightstand for more than FCW and digital government white papers. Here are five suggestions for some much-needed perspective.

Digital Government

Works in Progress is signing off


Digital Government

Start small to succeed with big data

A report from TechAmerica urges agencies to get started on big data initiatives, and offers guidance on how to make the efforts pay off.