Digital Government

Help wanted: Agencies expect to hire more info security pros in 2010

Federal government is a good place for information security professionals to be during the economic downturn, with relatively stable budgets, rising wages and growing employment, according to a survey by ISC2.

Digital Government

Cybersecurity program has serious defects, GAO says

The administration has declassified much of the Bush-era Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative, but it suffers from fundamental problems that must be remedied.

Digital Government

Nation's cybersecurity suffers from a lack of information sharing

Lack of trust between the government and private sectors still inhibits information sharing needed to defend against rapidly evolving cyberthreats.

Digital Government

White House lifts the veil on Bush cybersecurity initiative

National cybersecurity coordinator Howard Schmidt announced at the RSA Security Conference that, beginning today, newly declassified portions of the CNCI will be available online.

Digital Government

Salvation from the 7 deadly sins of cloud computing

The Cloud Security Alliance released the first version of its "Top Threats to Cloud Computing" report today at the RSA Security Conference.

Digital Government

Census struggles to solve IT problems in time for 2010 count

With time running out before the decennial head count gets fully under way, key IT systems the Census Bureau is relying on still have performance problems, the Government Accountability Office told Congress.

Digital Government

Security agencies release Top 25 programming errors

Developers of the Top 25 list of programming errors include DHS, NSA, MITRE and the SANS Institute, and they hope to have the list included in standard contract language that would help make software developers accountable for the security of their products.

Digital Government

NOAA launches online climate portal

The prototype Web portal would serve as a tool for the proposed NOAA Climate Service, a new line office that would bring together expertise and data from other NOAA offices already observing and modeling the Earth’s atmospheric and oceanic systems.

Digital Government

New cybersecurity coordinator says he has the president’s ear

In his first public talk since taking the job, Howard Schmidt seeks to allay concerns about his influence in the White House.

Digital Government

Legislation that would lead to better understanding of spectrum allocation takes first step in Congress

Two bills call for a national inventory of radio spectrum as a first step toward meeting the growing demand for bandwidth for mobile communications and computing devices.

Digital Government

A call for critical thinking about securing our electric grid

The nation’s electric power grid is a vital part of our critical infrastructure, but it might not be as vulnerable and fragile as it appears. One expert says it is more resilient than we give it credit for.

Digital Government

NIST completes first release of Smart Grid framework

NIST has introduced an initial set of standards and a framework for creating a new smart energy distribution grid, the first step of a three-phase plan by NIST to develop Smart Grid standards.

Digital Government

Internet addresses rapidly running out

The Number Resource Organization, which oversees global allocation of IP addresses, says 90 percent of addresses available under IPv4 are taken.

Digital Government

Will FCC's National Broadband Plan address reliability?

The National Broadband Plan being readied by the FCC for Congress could include programs to ensure greater reliability and visibility into IP networks, the chief of the Communications Systems Analysis Division said Tuesday.

Digital Government

White House meets corporate CEOs for ideas on modernizing government

The White House is convening a conference of 50 corporate CEOs with the hope of generating “game changing ideas” that can help IT improve government efficiency.

Digital Government

The weakest link in anti-terror systems

President Obama described recent failures in anti-terrorism efforts as systemic. But they were not failures of systems; they were failures of human beings using the systems.

Digital Government

Stuck in the mud: IRS spins its wheels on electronic modernization

The Customer Account Data Engine, a part of the IRS business modernization program expected to be fully implemented by 2012, speeds processing of tax returns and refunds. But it also increases complexity.

Digital Government

First responders lobby Congress for more spectrum on safety network

A coalition of public safety organizations wants Congress to allocate an additional 10 MHz of radio spectrum to the planned national public safety network.

Digital Government

FIPS-certified USB drives have security flaws

Vulnerabilities in supposedly secure USB flash drives that received FIPS certification are causing NIST to review the certification process for cryptographic modules.

Digital Government

Security issues to fear in the New Year

An increasingly complex and networked world poses new threats; cloud computing, social networking and mobile platforms claim the attention of security prognosticators for 2010.