Digital Government

About Schmidt: We finally have a cybersecurity coordinator. Now what?

The challenges facing Howard Schmidt as he takes on the job of coordinating the nation's cyber defenses might be equaled only by the opportunities.

Digital Government

VA security scholarship program delayed until 2011

A program enacted in 2006 to help the Veterans Affairs Department beef up its information security expertise by offering financial assistance to doctoral students and those who recently earned doctorates still is more than a year away from awarding its first scholarship, according to a report made to Congress.

Digital Government

National cybersecurity coordinator choice widely applauded

Industry insiders say the breadth and depth of the appointee's experience in both government and the private sector bodes well for his performance in the challenging job of coordinating the government’s cybersecurity policy.

Digital Government

NIST gets new director at a critical time for the agency

The National Institute of Standards and Technology has become an economic enabler for a nation that is increasingly dependent on IT and the ability to securely share and use information, said newly confirmed administrator Patrick Gallagher.

Digital Government

Vulnerability in DISA security scripts could leave systems at risk

DISA warns government users not to run Unix Readiness Review Scripts until it fixes a vulnerability.

Digital Government

Critical infrastructure protection calls for carrots and sticks

A report by the Internet Security Alliance stresses the use of economic incentives to improve the security of our critical infrastructure, but government regulation can also be an effective and sometimes necessary tool.

Digital Government

Is a 'digital Pearl Harbor' in our future?

We are more vulnerable than ever, but such an attack would not be easy.

Digital Government

Military and overseas voters to get online options

The 2010 Defense Authorization Act includes requirements to ease voting for Americans overseas.

Digital Government

FAA computer failure reflects growing burden on systems

The Federal Aviation Administration is racing to upgrade its computer systems while the demand on its existing capabilities continues to increase.

Digital Government

FAA identifies computer error that caused delays

A software problem that caused flight delays across the country today was not the first serious hiccup Federal Aviation Administration computer systems have suffered in recent years.

Digital Government

Feds falling behind in the race against cyber threats, GAO says

Despite increased cooperation among agencies that protect the government's information infrastructure, persistent vulnerabilities and lack of comprehensive security programs leave government IT systems vulnerable to attack.

Digital Government

Security lacking for Los Alamos classified network, GAO says

The national laboratory overseeing the nation’s nuclear stockpile has some serious security shortfalls, according to auditors.

Digital Government

State pilot shows a way to improve security while cutting costs

Agency has reduced its serious vulnerabilities while cutting the cost of its security program, said Chief Information Security Officer John Streufert.

Digital Government

International cooperation to shape common policies for cybersecurity and data protection

The United States and the European Union pledge to extend their cooperation on security and human rights issues, including cybersecurity, fighting cyber crime, and data protection. The next step is negotiating a binding agreement.

Digital Government

Flu pandemic could overwhelm Internet capacity, GAO warns

A severe flu outbreak could overwhelm the Internet as millions of workers telecommuted

Digital Government

FCC votes to move forward with proposed net neutrality rules

The FCC voted today to authorize a notice of proposed rulemaking that would set limits on how Internet carriers can interfere with traffic in the name of network management.

Digital Government

NASA info security controls are broken, GAO concludes

A GAO study found that an incomplete information security program has left weaknesses in NASA networks and information systems that could leave it open to disruption or penetration. But the space agency says improvements in security controls are being made.

Digital Government

IRS wins some, loses a few in fight against identity theft and data loss

The IRS recorded more than 51,000 cases of taxpayer identity theft in 2008 and paid out $15 million in fraudulent refunds, and a GAO report finds that internal information security weaknesses constitute some of the most significant challenges faced by the agency.

Digital Government

NIST readies Smart Grid security architecture

A cybersecurity working group is developing a security architecture and comprehensive set of security requirements to accompany the Smart Grid framework being developed by NIST's office for Smart Grid interoperability. A preliminary report is expected to be released for comment shortly.

Digital Government

First draft of a framework for building a Smart Grid unveiled

Commerce Secretary Gary Locke unveils the first draft of a framework identifying existing standards for Smart Grid interoperability, laying out steps needed to address the gaps in these standards. The framework is the first step of a three-phase plan by NIST to develop Smart Grid standards.