Digital Government

Build or buy? Critical Census IT decisions loom in 2016

The coming year is full of critical milestones as the Census Bureau prepares for 2020, but fundamental strategy questions remain unanswered.

Digital Government

IRS programming glitch costs millions in errant tax refunds

A code error led to the IRS paying out tens of millions in suspect tax refunds that it meant to peg for further examination.


Can the U.S. push the world to accept cyber norms?

As international cyber norms take shape at a slow pace, experts consider how individual nations can lead, follow and take matters into their own hands.


Embracing failing grades and moving forward

After an abysmal performance on the FITARA scorecard, some CIOs are owning their terrible grades and focusing on how to make improvements.


The big freeze at DOT

Department of Transportation CIO Richard McKinney is using his FITARA hammer to halt purchasing until he gets spending plans that show him what the heck is going on.


Agencies: Get ready to see more of OMB in 2016

The Office of Management and Budget is planning more of a hands-on approach to agencies' tech and will be updating policies and focusing on cybersecurity in the coming year.


Executive order pushes SES overhaul

The White House issued sweeping requirements that will affect the entire professional life cycle of federal leaders.

Digital Government

EPA broke the law with social media push, says GAO

By deploying social tools without the proper attribution and linking to outside web pages with political calls to action, the EPA stands accused of violating rules against "covert propaganda" and lobbying.


Cybersecurity isn't just about money, OPM adviser says

OPM cyber guru Clifton Triplett wants agencies to make better use of the people and tools they already have.

Digital Government

Can ISPs help power the 2020 census?

The fast-approaching 2020 count requires more investment in R&D, full use of Internet opportunities and possible partnerships with companies -- but not necessarily the obvious choices.


Fighting cyber espionage, legally

Instead of trying to tackle foreign governments or hack-proof their own systems, Americans could use the force of the law to neuter cyber espionage by eliminating much of the incentive to hack.


Presidential Innovation Fellows cost $205 per hour. Are they worth it?

The PIF program, which has injected many innovative thinkers into government, is facing concerns about costs as agencies fork over private sector consultant rates – and the PIFs themselves don't see most of the money.


GSA IT is vulnerable, IG says

The IG's semiannual report details integration and security troubles haunting GSA investments.

Digital Government

Report: China has arrested alleged OPM hackers

The Chinese government has reportedly arrested the hackers responsible for the OPM breach, which it claims was a "criminal," not state-sponsored, hack.

Digital Government

How CDOs are putting 'useless' data to work

Cleaning, cataloguing, counseling – it's all part of the job for agency data gurus as they seek to surface useful data for their colleagues and customers.


Find out online if you were an OPM breach victim

The Office of Personnel Management has launched an online portal for victims, and people who think they may be victims, of the massive data breach.


Collaboration rules the CIO Council IT Solutions Challenge

The first batch of contest winners came from diverse agencies, and focused on the problems of coming together in IT and acquisition.


IRS launches online safety campaign

The IRS has launched an educational series aimed at promoting citizen cybersecurity.


Reps shun law enforcement, cheer 'slam-dunk' email legislation

Signaling a growing appreciation for electronic privacy, lawmakers voiced support for an update to the 1986 Electronic Communications Privacy Act over law enforcement protests.



The plan outlines ways the agency CIO can better control IT spending -- and delegate when necessary.